7x04. Hesperides

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Now for 7x04. I already established that I actually liked Gabriel, Echo, and Hope's Skyring story, so those parts of the episode will remain unchanged. (EDIT: Although I have recently decided to change the song for Dev and Hope's montage to "Jupiter" by Sleeping At Last. I'm sorry, but that song is perfection!) Clarke is internally terrified about what the Disciples must be doing to Bellamy and the others, but does her best to stay calm and level-headed as she knows that acting like a genocidal maniac won't save anyone (a nice foil to our good friend Echo). This isn't to say we don't see some cracks in this shell, though. They become especially apparent during her confrontation with Meredith, which is a lot longer and involves him more directly using Bellamy as a means of toying with her. (At this point, the Disciples are already well aware of Bellamy and Clarke's connection, a plot point that will be explored further in 7x05.) The episode ends the same way it does in the actual show, with Clarke and her friends getting stranded on Nakara and Gaia being kidnapped by that Disciple dude.

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