7x06. Impossible Decisions

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7x06! As you may have noticed, I changed the title of this episode. This was done as a tribute to a certain character who makes a cameo at this point in my rewrite. More on him in a second!

Definitely the biggest change I'd make to this episode is not having Clarke and her friends spend most of their time on Nakara in some gross tunnel. Rather much of their search for the Anomaly Stone is spent outside, and we get plenty of more time for character-building conversations. In one such example, Clarke and Raven's conversation from the actual episode happens a lot earlier and is longer as well. It also contains some references to Clarke's feelings for Bellamy, with Raven bringing up that she noticed Clarke seemed worried they'd find his corpse under the burial shroud. At one point, Clarke expresses doubt that Bellamy even still feels the same way for her that she does for him, but Raven refutes this by pointing out how he saved her from Josephine and revealing that he tore himself apart over losing her the first three years on the Ring, at one point even trying to take his own life by drinking a lethal dose of Monty's algae. At another point in the episode, Clarke also finds a lock of Bellamy's hair and a piece of  paper with his name on it, both of which were discarded on Nakara when he was tortured in the previous episode. She cries and tucks both of the items into her jacket. Later when she and Raven are fighting for their lives inside the gross tunnel and on the verge of giving up, Clarke has a flashback to her time in Shallow Valley, set about two and a half years after Praimfaya. She's isolated herself in a makeshift shelter away from Madi and has self-inflicted wounds all over her hands and wrists. She's also in the middle of a desperate radio call to Bellamy, crying that she doesn't want to move on and can't handle him being gone. She then has a hallucination of Wells, who gives her a similar speech to the one he gave his father in Season 2 and urges her to not give up as Madi still needs her. Present-day Clarke uses this memory as motivation to keep fighting.

(EDIT: Eliza recently published this photo of herself trying out a look for Clarke that was ultimately scrapped, and personally I love it! So pretend at some point in the episode Clarke starts looking like this.)

I should probably add that I decided to have Bellamy's Etherea journey span 7x06 and 7x08 rather than just one random episode toward the end of the season

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I should probably add that I decided to have Bellamy's Etherea journey span 7x06 and 7x08 rather than just one random episode toward the end of the season. 7x11 was yet another one of the few episodes I really enjoyed, so I'm mostly leaving its story relatively unchanged. However, we get a lot more of Doucette using Bellamy's feelings toward his loved ones, specifically Clarke, to mess with him. Another idea I decided to throw in is Etherea being affected by the Anomaly's hallucinogenic toxin in a similar manner to Sanctum, though there is no Red Sun in this case. At one point in 7x06, Bellamy actually has a hallucination of a radiation-burned Clarke as she appeared in 4x13, and she accuses him of failing to protect her. In fact, throughout 7x06, Bellamy uses Clarke and his desperation to protect her as his initial driving point to reach the Anomaly Stone at the top of the mountain, with the desperation part playing an important role in his eventual decision to join the Disciples. He also periodically has this recurring dream where a subconscious projection of either Pike or Roan beats the snot out of him in the Second Dawn arena and taunts him over his past mistakes. I'm not entirely sure why I decided to throw this in there; I just thought it would've been cool to see Bob have more scenes with Mike and Zach. I also thought it would provide a nice parallel to Octavia's vision in 6x09.

Moving on to the Bardo storyline in 7x06, I thought it was okay overall (with the exception of the opening montage with Diyoza, which was awesome!), but I'm still just going to leave it alone for the most part because I don't really have any ideas on how I can improve it. In spite of this, I did decide to make it so 7x07's ending is this episode's ending instead. Clarke and her friends arrive on Bardo and are greeted by Gabriel like in the actual show, though in this version Gabriel hasn't started integrating into Disciple life yet and is merely allowed to greet Clarke's group as a sort of "reward" for willingly turning himself, Diyoza, Echo, Octavia, and Hope in. He informs Clarke of Bellamy's "death", and we get the same world-shattering visual of Clarke taking the revelation in. Only this time it's a lot more dramatic and she collapses to the floor in tears with Miller (yes, Miller! Unlike Jason, I actually do want Jarod to get the scenes he deserves) holding her. To add an extra emotional punch, it's also simultaneous with Bellamy collapsing during the storm on Etherea and Doucette taking him back to the cave for shelter.

NOTE: I am aware my decision to keep Bellamy's Disciple storyline may be a controversial one, which I understand. Personally I didn't have a problem with it. I just felt it would've worked a lot better had it been introduced much sooner in the season, his motivations for joining the Disciples were made a lot more clear, and he'd, you know, gotten a chance to actually redeem himself. And don't worry! I promise he's not going to stay like this and it's going to make for some awesome Bellarke moments later down the road! And once again, as promised, he's not going to die!

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