25 & twenty seven

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Louis bit back his grin as he pushed the glass door open that led into the little flowershop.

The sweet scent filled his nostrils and he adored it, because Harry smelled just like that when he came home.

The grin finally spread upon Louis' face once he saw the curly head, shuffling behind the counter with his nose buried in a bouquet of flowers.

He sneaked up on the taller boy, stopping when he was right in front of him and trying not to laugh when his boyfriend still hadn't noticed.

Louis brought up his hands to the bouquet, stilling the larger ones of his boyfriend and making the boy gasp.

The shook on the younger ones face turned into a smile not a split second later, when he realised whose gorgeous face he was met with.


Harry began but Louis put his hand flat on his mouth.


He simply said, grabbing the younger boy's wrist and guiding him outside.

Louis snatched the key from Harry and locked the shop while the curly headed boy only stared him in confusion.

The older boy just pushed him into the car and began to drive.

I can I speak now?

Harry asked confused.

Just trust me, babe.

Louis spoke with an exited grin and that was all it took for Harry to calm down a little.

Of course he would trust his Lou.

After a while Louis parked his car and they found themselves at the airport.

Lou why are we-

Harry stopped speaking when he noticed Louis unloading the car and carrying two suitcases.

Hurry up!

The older one laughed as he ran towards the entrance and Harry shook his head with a soft smile, thinking how he ended up with such a boyfriend.

Harry began to catch up with Louis and slowed down when he was finally next to him.
Panting, he wondered how the boy managed to jog while carrying two suitcases like it was nothing.

It was the middle of the afternoon and the airport sort had a different feel to it around that time.

Louis guided them further until he stopped to look at one of the screens.

Which one is ours?

The one under Madrid.

Harry scanned the board until he found the letters that spelled out their destination.


Harry said surprised and looked at Louis.

You spoke about wanting to see Monet's garden and I thought I could just buy us tickets to France.

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