23 & twenty five

124 10 5

Harry's back hit the door to their apartment with a small huff and him and Louis looked at each other, smirking.

How did an innocent family celebration escalate into this?
Only the two of them knew, well, not really.
A lot of times their bodies simply couldn't seem function around each other, especially when alcohol was involved.


Louis whispered breathlessly and pressed himself harder against Harry. He leaned up to pressed his lips against Harry's in an urgent kiss, as the two giggled.

Harry searched for the door handle with his hand and suddenly the door flung open, having them stumble inside at the sudden loss of support.

Harry shrieked but pulled Louis with him, who just snickered tipsily.

You're so clumsy.

You love it.

Harry bit his lip and Louis grinned.

That I do.

Louis captured Harry's lips again and Harry's stomach interrupted with a swirl of feelings.

They stumbled along the dark flat, hands roaming their bodies while they couldn't help but smile into the kiss.

Harry's back hit a wall again and they only giggled harder while their mouths never left each other.

Their lips felt so intoxicating, that all the drinks they had before were nothing in comparison.

Louis shrugged of his jacket and threw it in the corner as they stumbled further into the flat.
Harry ripped of his jacket as well, letting it drop down to the floor, almost having them stumble upon it.

They tilted their heads sideways, trying to deepen the kiss even though they were running out of breath.

When they somehow found themselves in the kitchen, Harry stretched out his arm, trying to flick on the light switch but missing it.


Harry yelped as the back of his knees hit a chair, making him lose his balance.
He fell backwards on the floor and Louis right on top of him.

They laughed, trying to catch their breath.

There was faint, colourful light of the street that lit the ceiling and cars where honking on the busy street outside. But they only had eyes for each other, no worry on their mind.

And if they stayed, laying there all night, making out and cuddling on the kitchen tiles, no one had to know.


Whoops, a bit of action, you see... But this is a family show!!
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