R O M E O . A N D . J U L I E T

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"The only piece of advice I am gonna give you is be yourself!" He said and opened the door. Is that the correct thing to do? Be herself? 

"You know something.."

"What Soonie?"

"I don't even know why are we talking about this! I don't even like Joshua!" She tried to convice herself and Hao loudly sighed. "Get out before I kick you myself!" Hao threatened her obvioulsy being exausted over her childish behaviour. The girl nodded with those puppy eyes getting out of the house.



They both walked in and noticed the souless cafeteria

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

They both walked in and noticed the souless cafeteria. Joshua was not there. They were the only ones there apart from Minghao's boss that opened the cefeteria. 

"He is not here!" Minghao announced and Soon-hee snorted. 

"Does it look like I care?" She crossed her arms. "I thought he was an angel, last night!" He teased her and the girl blushed. "When? I don't remember?" She tried to persuade him but still it was not possible. Minghao could read her expressions, feel her feelings... 

"Look! Joshua!" 

"Where?" She was peaking around to see the boy but he was nowhere. The boy started laughing out loud and the girl looked at him annoyed. Her hand landed on his back harshly. "IT'S NOT FUNNY!" 

"Fine I am sorry! Here... Sit until he comes!"

"Grrrrr..." She said and walked in between the tables until he met the last table in the corner. She opened her book and decided to read something before Joshua comes.

The book was the expressions of a brain still connected to the deepest emotions, and on those pages the higher brain was infused with the guidance of the soul, of empathy and the creative gift.

She was so immersed once again on the pages that she didn't notice a head right next to her, reading from her book. Slowly thr corner of her eye caught a dlimpse and she flinched. "Agh!" She was startled, hitting the person with the book accidentally. 

"Yo Lola It's me!" Slowly their eyes met and the boy holds the place she hit him. Minghao facepalms hios forehead from the distance, 

 Minghao facepalms hios forehead from the distance, 

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.
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