♛ Best Friend

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Cha Eun didn't talk unless talked to, and she almost never came out of the room Doyoung lent her in his apartment. Doyoung was concerned, but he didn't show it whenever he saw Eun, because he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable.

There were days where Eun would make meals for the two of them, or even finish up all the cleaning around the house. Doyoung knew Eun was busying herself, and he didn't argue despite feeling bad about the girl doing all the work.

But Doyoung noticed that her crying in bed decreased night after night, and Doyoung didn't know if it was a good sign or a bad sign. It could either be that she was coming into terms with whatever happened, or she overworked herself so much that she didn't have the energy to cry.

Today was a day where Eun made lunch for the two of them, and Doyoung was slightly thankful, because it was way better than his tasteless cooking. As the two ate silently, Doyoung's phone started ringing and the boy's eyes slightly widened as he saw the caller ID.

Doyoung subtly kept a hand over his phone, pressing the side button to mute the call before flipping the phone over, so Eun wouldn't see it. But alas, he wasn't fast enough.

"Stop ignoring their calls. Pick it up," she urged, stretching her hand towards the phone and turning it over.

The older shook his head, disagreeing. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable. It's fine, honestly." Doyoung looked at Eun's eyes that were already tearing up.

"It won't make me uncomfortable. But could you please answer and put it on speaker," Eun paused, biting her lip as she hesitated to say the next few words. "I would like to listen to his voice."

It didn't even take Doyoung a millisecond to tap the green icon after Eun's words, as he didn't want to sadden the younger any further.

"Doyoungie, hey ..." Hyunsuk's voice was heard, and even though the boy hadn't seen him, he could tell that Hyunsuk was in a similar situation as Eun.

"Hyung, how are you?" Doyoung seemed to pity the older so much as to use honorifics when talking with him, which caused even Eun to do a double-take.

"I don't know. How is Eun?" Hyunsuk waved off the question, more concerned about his sister-like-best-friend.

"Same as you, I can safely assume."

"W-What? Really?"

"Sleep deprived because you cry every night, busying yourself with so much work to forget about everything, messy hair and clothes because you don't care anymore, eating only because someone is forcing you or because you need more energy to cry ... must I continue?" Doyoung looked at Eun, seeing the girl look down, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Doyoung-ah ..." Hyunsuk's voice cracked, quiet sobs breaking out. "Is my Eunsukkie mad at me? Is it my fault? Is she really like what you said?" The boy continued crying, causing the listener in front of Doyoung to burst into silent tears.

Doyoung breathed, not knowing how to phrase his words. "Hyung, she isn't mad at you, and it isn't your fault at all. She just feels guilty for not knowing anything and being selfish. She can't stay away from you, just like you can't from her. I hope you can talk it out with her, because this distance is breaking you both down, physically and mentally." Doyoung's words made the two friends cry even harder in realisation.

Hyunsuk sniffled, letting out a deep breath. "Doyoung-ah, can you do something for me?" he requested, unsure whether the younger would accept.

"What is it, hyung?"

"Please take real good care of my Eun, alright?"

"That's a given."

"You are a good friend of Eun's, Doyoung. Thank you very much."

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