★ Secret's Out

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Dear diary,

Wow, so this is what has been happening, huh? Looks like Doyoung has been using this app well. He has been venting, which is good for him. Gosh, it's been so long since I have opened this app.

It feels good to be writing what I'm feeling again. I don't know why I stopped. The feeling of letting everything out is calming.

I have a lot of reading to do; I guess. Doyoung has been keeping so much to himself, I feel like an awful friend now.

We have come a long way. From strangers to awkward friends to buddies to besties, and now ... we kinda like each other. It's a lot to take in, to be honest. But whatever happens, it's for the good.

Everything seems to turn out for the best. Hyunsuk and I are back to being best buds, and now, he doesn't leave any detail out when we talk. Every secret is shared, and they made promises to not tell anyone.

Ever since I lived with Doyoung and took care of him when he was sick, I have been getting some mixed feelings, making me confused. But after talking with Hyunsuk and Haneul and also coming across Doyoung's entries, I think I am more confident in my feelings now.

Doyoung, your secret is out. But it's alright ... I like you too.

forget him | kim doyoungNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ