★ Sad

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Dear diary,

Why does my heart break when Eun cries? Why am I ready to whoop the ass of the person who hurt her? Why do I feel a piece of me break when a tear of hers falls?

This is the saddest I have ever seen her, and after the Minjun incident, I prayed I didn't have to encounter a crying Eun, but I did.

I hope she knows I will always be here for her ... as anything she wants. I will be her encouragement, her motivation, her best friend ... anything she wants me to be.

So, Eun ... if you are reading this, please know I'm ready to do anything for you. I just want no more tears falling from those eyes. Let me know when you are hurt ... and I will be your shoulder to cry on while simultaneously breaking the bones of the person who hurt you.

This is what best friends are for ... so let me be there for you, Chayoungie.

- Doyoung

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