♛ Saviour

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It was now a common sighting to see Eun and Doyoung together everywhere. No one knew what happened, but they were happy that the two got along well.

After the night at the bar, Doyoung seemed to more sympathetic towards Eun. He really wanted to tell her why she shouldn't like Jihoon, but he couldn't. Doyoung knew Eun enough to figure out that she would be disappointed and embarrassed, but most of all, maybe shocked.

And Doyoung didn't want that for his newfound friend.

But knowing her secret now, they added Doyoung to the former Jeongwoo-Eun duo. And even though Doyoung wanted Eun to stop liking Jihoon, it didn't stop him for teasing her heavily along with Jeongwoo.

And as much as Eun didn't like it, she was happier now that she had another friend she could lean on.

"Heads up!" Eun heard someone yell before her hand was pulled harshly. Strong arms were wrapped around her and her phone was on the floor because of the shock.

"You alright, Chayoungie?" Doyoung asked her, pulling her away from his chest and inspecting to see if she got even slightly hit.

Eun looked around, her eyes finally landing on a boy with a backpack, looking at her in worry. After conveying his apologies and Eun assuring she was fine, she looked up at Doyoung who was still gripping her arms.

"I'm alive, I'm alive. We good in the hood," she joked, causing the older to chuckle.

Doyoung nodded in agreement. "Yep, our Chayoungie is good. Both physically and mentally," he said, causing Eun to punch him playfully and reach down for her phone.

"What were you even doing on your phone to not care about your surroundings?"

"What do you think?"

"Oho," the red-haired male exclaimed, looking excited. "Were you writing your diary?" He asked.

Eun nodded, smiling at the face Doyoung made. "Knock yourself out," she told him, handing her phone before walking towards the table with her friends.

It was now a common thing; Doyoung reading Eun's diary entries. Even when Eun offered to talk about her daily happenings, Doyoung preferred to see it in writing. He claimed to love Eun's writing style, and how it felt different. And with Doyoung knowing everything already, what's the deal in knowing some more?

"I swear to God, your diary has now become a fanfiction to this boy. I don't even know why you give him your phone." Jeongwoo huffed as soon as he saw you, rolling his eyes.

Before Eun could speak, Haruto spoke up. "Now hyungs and Haneul noona," he stated, grabbing everyone's attention. "I don't know if she told you this, but Eun got the highest grade in the batch for Mechanics." A round of applause went around the table, with everyone conveying how proud and happy they were for the youngest.

Jeongwoo and Hyunsuk congratulated her with kisses on the cheek, and as embarrassing it was to be smothered in public, Eun actually went red when Jihoon simply smiled and said 'good job'.

As soon as she did, her eyes met Doyoung who bit back a smile before mouthing the words 'tomato', which caused the blush to disappear from Eun's face. It was a tactic Doyoung had come up with, and Eun didn't even realise it.

Teasing was something Eun didn't like one bit, especially when it was from Jeongwoo and Doyoung. And when Doyoung noticed how Eun's face just fell into a displeased look - of course, with no blood rush - he knew he cracked the formula.

So from that day onwards, a blushing Eun was always followed up by a teasing Doyoung.

"Does this mean we are getting treated?" Jaehyuk asked, smiling widely at the younger girl.

"Of course, it should," Yoshi butted in, grinning like they hit a jackpot.

Eun sighed, mentally recollecting how much money she had in her purse. "I could buy all of you a caramel ice-cream bar and we can call it a day, hm?" She asked, knowing if the treat was dinner outside, it would going to cost more than a few ice-creams.

"Okay!" Everyone agreed, with Haneul being the most excited. Eun couldn't help but smile at her best friend's reaction before getting up and walking towards the canteen in the university cafeteria.

After ordering thirteen caramel ice-cream bars, Eun paid for them, thanking the lady behind the counter as she took the bag from her. Not feeling up for an ice-cream, Eun wanted to buy a berry smoothie from the vending machines.

The vending machines in the university were the scariest part of the entire establishment. It was a little away from the cafeteria, and you'd have to walk a little inside as the vending machine was at the end of the corridor-like-place.

Eun pulled out a bill, going to insert it into the machine when someone grabbed her hand, stopping her. "Excuse me -" The brunette started, pausing when she saw Minjun was the one holding her hand.

"I'm sorry if I scared you," he quickly apologised, causing Eun to softly nod, accepting the apology.

"Yeah, no, it's alright." Eun moved back, pulling her hand to the side subtly.

However, Minjun again held Eun's hand, smiling widely as he usually did. "It's fine, Chaeunnie. It's just me, don't worry," he mumbled as he caressed the girl's hand, making her feel uncomfortable.

"P-Please don't, um, touch me." Eun squeaked out, feeling her chest tighten as her heartbeat raced.

Minjun didn't seem to understand how uncomfortable Eun felt in such a position and kept talking to her, touching her hands, shoulders and face whenever possible. The boy's words were no longer heard, as all Eun could hear was a ringing in her head. Her chest heaved as she tried to take a breath, the whole action seeming very difficult for her.

It wasn't long before Eun didn't feel the bitter touches on her. Someone had pulled Minjun away and seemed to talk - or was it threatening? - to Minjun. As soon as Minjun walked away, Eun calmed down, taking in deep breaths to compensate for the shortness of breath she had earlier.

"Jieunnie, are you alright?" An all-too-familiar voice asked her, causing her to look at the person - even though she already who he was.

Park Jihoon stood in front of her, giving her enough space to breathe. He looked worried, seeing the state he found the girl in. Eun, however, being the dumb character she is, nodded and smiled, showing Jihoon she was fine.

"Y-Yeah, sure. I'm alright." Eun took another deep breath, making Jihoon raise a brow at her. "How did you k-know?" The brunette mentally slapped herself for stammering in front of Jihoon and appearing weak, but she was too dizzy to comprehend anything.

"I saw you come this way and then I saw minjun come here too. I thought little, but then I remembered his weirdness and came here ... to see ..." he trailed off, taking a step closer and observing the younger. "Eun, are you sure you are okay?"

Eun quickly looked up, smiling at Jihoon. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little shaken, that's all." She convinced Jihoon, who returned the smile.

"Well, let's go, then."

"Why don't you take this and meet the others, I will come in a minute," Eun stated, once again smiling at Jihoon when he looked unsure.

The brunette handed over the bag and looked at Jihoon, smiling slightly as he walked around the corner. As soon as he left, Eun's knees seem to give way, and she was leaning against the wall, hugging her knees tightly.

She hid her face, pulling her shirt around her head as she looked down on her chest. She took deep breaths, finally able to really calm down. She sighed as she took her head out of her shirt, remembering the things that happened.

Eun silently cried, wiping the tears before anyone saw her.

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