Say what now?

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"She's pregnant" San repeated as I cried into his arms

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"She's pregnant" San repeated as I cried into his arms. "Let me go" I yelled but his arms around me only tightened.

"Just listen to me" he begged and I yelled "Stop asking me to listen if you aren't going to talk"

Fighting against him, I realized once again that my strength is nothing in comparison to his.

The man leaned down, capturing my lips with his and before the kiss could've gone further, I turned away letting his face rest in the crook of my neck.

Is this what it feels like to love and to not be loved?

"She's not pregnant for me" the man mumbled softly against my skin and I tensed up at that.

"I wouldn't believe that until I see proof" I snapped and he nodded.

"Why are you so caught up with her if it's not your kid? What am I? Stupid?" I questioned in between sobs.

"Babe, just calm down" San begged and I yanked my hands away from him as I wrapped the towel around my body before walking out of the bathroom. 

The man followed closely behind and I quickly pulled my clothes over my body as I moved over to the wardrobe.

Grasping my clothes, I dumped most of it into a suitcase and just as much as I placed the clothes into the suitcase, San's hands worked on emptying the suitcase.

"With or without clothes, we're leaving here" I gritted as he rushed over to me.

Picking me up off of the ground, he said "Give me a chance to prove to you that I'm not the father" he said and to be honest with myself, I wasn't ready for that.

What if he really was the father? What was I going to do then? Would I stay or would I just walk away?

The next words come crashing down and I stopped what I was doing.

"Seonghwa's the father" San said and I felt as if my heartbeat had stopped.

"What?" I asked, completely confused as he continued "I knew that you'd be pissed off to know that I've been helping them but Seonghwa needed me there"

"Why should I believe this? Why should I believe that the kid isn't yours? All you've been doing is lying to me" I argued.

"I didn't want you to get mad-" and he is interrupted when I let out sarcastically "Well fucking great, isn't it?"

"I get that you're pissed off and I don't blame you but please don't walk out of that door." He said lowly as placed me down onto the softness of the mattress.

His eyes are puffy as tears rolled down his cheeks "You're all I ever wanted and  trust me when I say that I wouldn't risk losing you or Sangie by doing something so stupid"

"I-i think we should take a break" I said to the man. His shocked expression is clear on his face and so is the hurt. As much as I wish to just hold him in my arms, I just can't.

Not until he proves that he's innocent... until then, I want nothing to do with him.


OMG 😃 lol I feel as if my writing has gotten worse than before...don't forget to vote

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