Skeptical and Shaky

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He was uneasy

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He was uneasy. He held the box in his hand as he paced nervously around the room.

"She'll say yes," Jongho said as he placed a hand on San's shoulder.

"What if she doesn't?" He asked as he exhaled.

"The woman is carrying your child. I think that says a lot" Seonghwa said and the guys agreed.

San felt shaky in this moment. He knew to himself that y/n loves him but yet his nerves got the best of him.

"San you better grow a pair and propose to her before I pluck each strand of hair off your leg one by one with a hammer" Mingi threatened and San gulped as the guys rolled their eyes.

Mingi's threat wasn't really a big help but San got lost in the moment as he thought about how much y/n means to him and how he would never want to lose her.

He thought about how she would soon give birth to their child.

Only seven months away and that's going to go by really quick.

He smiled to himself as he thought about how y/n would look with her tummy enormous.

"I love her," he said out loud accidentally.

"Then let's start planning," Seonghwa said and the guys nodded.


He decided to not act suspicious. He took y/n out on a dinner date while the guys snuck into his suite and arranged everything.

"How's the food?" He asked avoiding eye contact with her.

"Delicious" y/n replied in a soft tone as she noticed the way San looked away from her.

"You've been acting strangely for the past week. Something's up" she said as she watch him while he moves his fork around in his plate without taking a bite.

"It's nothing," he said and once again, he looked elsewhere.

"You're ashamed of me? Is it because I'm gaining weight? Because warning! I'm going to get a whole lot bigger than this" y/n said as her eyes were settled with tears.

"Gosh, no baby. It's not that, " he said quickly as he rubbed at her hand to assure her that everything was alright.

"Then what is it?" She asked and he heaved a sigh then said "it's just that I'm nervous. I don't want to be a bad dad"

She looked at him and mumbled "you're going to be an amazing dad. This child will be proud of you and love you endlessly."

He nodded and pretended as if everything was normal as he hoped that the guys would do a great job.

They arrived in front of his suite and y/n stretched as she let out "I'm tired"

San, however, was caught in a daze as pep talked himself in his head.

"It's now or never," he said as he placed the key in its hole and turned the knob revealing what was waiting for them.

The lights were dimmed as their favorite songs played slowly. Candles outlined the path to the balcony as petals in the shape of hearts hung above them.

The red flower petals were scattered everywhere. He took her hand in his and led them to the balcony then he did what he had wanted to do for a long time.

He got down on one knee and said "Y/n, my heartbeat, the woman that's carrying my child, the love of my life, I cannot thank you enough with words for staying by my side and opening up my eyes to the world. I want to be able to cherish and love you endlessly, not only as a boyfriend but as your husband. I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. My aim is to grow old with you and I'm hoping that you would want the same. I want people to address you as Mrs. Choi so would you do me the honors and take my last name? Will you marry me, baby girl?"

With tears in her eyes, she yelled "yes! Yes! Yes!" And he placed the ring on her finger.

"I love you so much," she said to him as he leaned in covering her lips with his.
The last chapter will be published during this week. I'm too tired right now :'(

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