Seokjin turns to Taehyung. "What's wrong?"

"The sun," Taehyung points to the setting sun. "We won't make it down before dark." He shouldn't have played around for so long.

"That means . ." Seokjin looks at the forest. "We'll have to sleep here."

They continue walking until it's dark. Taehyung could sense Seokjin's fear, though he's hiding it. He wraps an arm around Seokjin's waist. "Don't worry. I'm here to protect you. Wolves or bear, I'll fight them off with my bare hands." Seokjin giggles softly and that makes him feel better.

They settle under a tree by the pathway. Taehyung takes off the backpack he's carrying. He and Seokjin already ate when they were in the fields. He did his best to prepare for anything that could happen.

He takes out a blanket and leans against the tree, next to Seokjin. He pulls the blanket around them both, snuggling close to Seokjin. Seokjin searches for his hand and holds it. He squeezes it and smiles at Seokjin.

"Are you not at all scared?" Seokjin asks him.

"No. Not at all. I believe that nothing bad will happen because we haven't done anything bad." He leans closer to Seokjin. "Unless you did something," he jokes to lighten up the mood.

Seokjin pushes him lightly then rests his head on Taehyung's shoulder. Taehyung rests his head on top of Seokjin's. "If something finds us, don't worry. I'll get eaten first," Taehyung tells Seokjin.

"How do you know that?" Seokjin asks doubtfully.

"Because they'll eat you for dessert," he says seriously.

Seokjin is already sleepy. "How comforting," he mumbles. Taehyung rubs Seokjin's knuckles in a soothing manner.

Both closes their eyes and sleep is to come. "You're very brave, V," Seokjin whispers. Taehyung feels his chest get warmer. "You're also very selfless."

'I am?' Taehyung thinks. He stays quiet though as Seokjin is already breathing softly on his shoulder. He lets his own eyes flutter close.

When he awakes, Seokjin is still asleep. He looks at the time on his almost dead phone. It's almost time for his shift. He bites his lip as he contemplates what to do. He pulls the blanket off of Jin and puts it back in the backpack.

He puts the backpack on Seokjin. Then, he shakes Seokjin lightly. Seokjin yawns and squints at him, still tired. Taehyung chuckles at how cute he is. "Good morning, Sleepyhead."

Seokjin doesn't even care about the name calling and goes back to closing his eyes. "If you're still tired, get on my back," Taehyung suggest to Jin. Seokjin nods right away.

With Seokjin on his back, Taehyung makes his way down the mountain. He chuckles whenever Seokjin snores a little too loud.


"We made a good amount today," Seokjin tells him as he looks through his wallet. They just came home from a day of chocolate selling. It was fun.

Taehyung closes the door and peeks over Seokjin's shoulder. "That's because your chocolate is so yummy." Seokjin is counting the money by the counter. Taehyung puts both hands on the counter, caging him in. He rests his chin on Seokjin's shoulder.

"As much as I agree with you, I also have to give it to you. You were really good at talking to the customers," Seokjin puts the money back in his wallet and turns around. Taehyung's face is right by his.

"But your samples were what made them buy it," Taehyung says and slowly steps back. Seokjin's shoulders slumps and he wonders why. "I'm gonna go shower." He turns on his heels and heads for the shower. Steps light as the day's events replay in his head.

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