17. WOLF :

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Taehyung was again woken up by his horrible dream. It was 2 in a row this week. The day before he came to his house also had nightmares to remember. He sat up on his bed, without him knowing tears started to flow from his eyes. He harshly wiped them but they kept falling. He brought his legs to his chest and hugged them while burriying his face in them. He cried silently not wanting others to know about his pathetic self. He could hear the door of his room open and slow foot steps coming towards him. He felt the bed dip besides him and soon felt the warmth of his mother when he hugged him. It was all that took taehyung to burst out sobbing loudly hugging his mother tight. His mother knew why his son was crying so he just let it be and comforted him. After taehyungs cries turned hiccups his mother made him do his morning routine and took him downstairs where everyone was waiting.

When taehyung reached there he saw jin dressed in casuals. Jin smiled at him and taehyung returned it with a tight liped one. Jin stood up motioning taehyungs mother to give them a moment. Jin took taehyungs hand and motioned him to the other side of the room where no one was able to hear them.
"tae, i know you are sad and i want to make it better. So we will go out today." jin said hoping taehyung will agree.
"no hyung, i i am alright. I don't feel going out" he calmly declined not wanting to live from his home.
"tae, you know that you lost your memory right"
"yes hyung"
"then come with me tae. We will go to the elder and find a way to regain your lost memory." hearing jin taehyung immediately looked at him. He wanted to know his forgotten past. He was sure it will have something to do with his nightmares.
Seeing taehyungs expression jin knew that he was ready to go. Without wasting any time both of them went out saying they will be spending some time out of the pack.

Jin drove his car through the muddy road which lead to the elders house. The elder was never a person who liked to live inside the pack. He had his house built in the deepest place inside the forest. He was well known to have magical powers and was able to predict future. He never used his power's against his pack. He always used them for the wealth and health of his pack. Every wolf in the pack respected the elder whole heartedly. Knowing all this jin was sure that the elder will be able to help taehyung. He stoped his car infront of two big trees that stood close to each other blocking the way. Seeing this taehyung looked at jin and saw the other getting out of the car. He followed jin and got out of the car. They both stood infront of the trees. Jin held taehyungs hand and knocked on the trunk of the tree. Taehyungs eyes widened when he saw the two trees drifted the opposite ways clearing the path for them.
"h-hyung ,h-how did y-you do that?"taehyung stuttered out with wide eyes.
"trust me tae this is just a small thing. I have seen much bigger magics than this." with that being said jin started to walk forward while taehyung followed him. Soon they reached a clearing and in the middle taehyung saw a house. The house was so unique with its wooden walls and doors. It had a small window in the left side of the door. The door had so many wooden carvings on it. Taehyung couldn't understand any of it. It was some symbols which normal wolfs will not know. He saw jin knocking on the door. They waited some time and the door was opened by a man in his late 80's. Taehyung assumed this would be the elder. The man invited both of them inside. It was like jin already knew the man. The way they both talked was so normal.
"Taehyung, how have you been son." he was startled by the elders sudden question.
"i uhm ...i am fine" he replied feeling confused as to how the elder knew him. He concluded that the elder probably knew him because he is the son of the alpha of the pack. The elder jestured them to sit down. They both sat down on the dusty couch in the elders hall. He was speaking to jin about the current situation while taehyung observed the inside of the house. He saw onside of the house had a black door which will be made by metal by the look of it. The other side was simple with kitchen and a wooden door. He was so lost in his own world that he didn't notice the elder standing beside him. He was snapped out of his thoights when jin nudged him. He looked at jin and then saw him motion his eyes to the front. He looked at his front and saw the elder standing there looking at him. Taehyung smiled apologeticaly at the elder.
"so taehyung ,jin told me everything about your current situation. But i want to know more from you"
"o-ok" taehyung said with confusion.
"do you have nightmares?" the question from the elder startled taehyung but neverthless he slowly nodded.
"ok so can you describe your nightmare to me" the elder asked taehyung with a kind smile.
"yes" taehyung said and began to describe every horrible details of his dream.
"ok, so when was the last time you spoke to your wolf."
"uh actualy i have been not able to connect with my wolf for the past three years. And the only time my wolf talked to me was when i met my mate. It was may be some weeks ago." taehyung said sighing. He saw the elder in deep thoughts. He felt like the elder will not be able to help him. But when he smiled at him he knew he could trust the elder. The man stood up from his seat and went to the black door. He went through the door. After 5 or more minutes he came out with a bottle in his hand. Taehyung could see that the bottle contained a dark coloured liquid. The elder made his way towards taehyung and stood infront of him.
" taehyung this is a magic potion. If you drink this potion it will help you to connect with your wolf. Your wolf has been blocked out by some sort of magic. " the new information made taehyung surprised. He listened to what the elder had to say.
"so as i said since your wolf is blocked from you i assume that your wolf will know your past. Drinking this potion will destroy the barrier between you and your wolf. But while you drink this you will have to take rest. Because your body needs strength to regain your wolf. I suggest you take a good hour sleep after that you can connect to your wolf."when the elder was finished speaking taehyung nodded at him. The elder gave taehyung the bottle. Taehyung thanked the elder and made his way out of there with jin.

During the car ride back to his house only one thing was on taehyungs mind. He will drink this no matter what and will connect with his wolf. He wanted his misery to end. He wanted happiness and peace in his life again...............


THE LEGENDARY LOVE [Taekook]✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt