Class of photography

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Toni was hugging Cheryl, with one arm she was holding her waist and the other was under Cheryl's neck, so she could hug her better, the redhead loved to sleep close to her wife and could feel the heat emanating from her body and Toni loves to sleep snuggled up to her. They were both sleeping peacefully until Thomas arrived.

-Mama, wake up. Thomas said while shaking Toni´s arm

-Mmm.- Toni muttered without opening her eyes

-Come on, mama. You promised me.- Thomas insisted, he was very excited because his mother told him that today she was going to take him to a place to teach him how to take photos.

-TT... wake up, your son needs you.- Cheryl murmured asleep as she squeezed the arm around her waist with her hand.

-He's also your son.-murmured Toni asleep

-I know, but I have not promised anything, so move your ass off the bed.- Cheryl said slightly pissed off and pushing her wife´s arm away from her, at another time she would not have done it but she was very warm in bed and being Saturday she could sleep more.

Toni leaned against her back and slowly opened her eyes. Thomas's eyes were wide and he was looking at her with a big smile.

-Come on, mama. It's a great day!.- he said, getting closer to Toni

-Okay, I get up.- Toni said, getting up carefully, but not before giving Cheryl a kiss on the cheek and another on the shoulder, the redhead snuggled into the pillow and wrapped herself in the sheet, Toni smiled tenderly, rarely she can see her wife sleep peacefully and it is an image that she loves
Toni sat on the edge of the bed, picked up her cell phone, and checked the time.

-For the love of God Thomas it's 6 am! - Toni said a little louder than it should

-I know, but I couldn't stand it. Shall we get dressed?.- Thomas said through his long eyelashes and Toni could never say no. Toni nodded and her son ran into his room. Toni shook her head and smiled to herself.

-Very good.- said Toni.- They were in the field, a secluded place so that no one will disturb them but a nice place to take good photos, in the distance they could see the city of New York but if they looked around they were surrounded by nature.

"The first thing you should know is the parts of the camera," said Toni. Thomas nodded was enthusiastic. "You already know what the shutter, the viewfinder and the LCD screen are, right?"

-Yes, mama, it serves to take the photo and see it.- Thomas answered. It was not the first time that she gave him a photography class but this time since he is older she could teach him more things.

-Very good, huh. The camera lens is an extremely important part of the camera and you have to be very careful with it, inside you have the lenses, those are going to capture the image and with these slots that you see here.- she said pointing to it on the camera.- you can zoom in and out of the image. It's the same thing that the automatic does, only you move it. The lens aperture is inside the lens and is used so that more or less light enters, it´s like a circle that opens and closes. If you close it, little light enters and if you open it, a lot of light enters and the image will not be seen well- Toni explained it clearly and slowly she wanted him to understand it well, Thomas had his back close to Toni's chest and Toni had the camera in front of Thomas so that he could see well everything his mother explained to him. Thomas nodded to everything his mother said- The shutter speed controls the exposure time to light, that is, how fast the photo is taken. You've understood?

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