Toni exhibition (smut)

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Today is the day that Toni was waiting for months her exhibition. It has been a very important job for her, the whole experience of the trip was incredible and in just 5 intense days she had quite promising material.

Editing is undoubtedly what has taken her the most work, doing the screening, choosing the photos and editing them. To Toni is what she likes the least, she does not like editing her photos, they are better natural, the only thing she does is adjust the size or put them in black and white.

In part, her work apart from having a good eye have been successful thanks to that, to the naturalness and many people who follow or discover her for the first time always tell her, and that's what motivates her the most.

"Too bad Juniper and Dagwood can't come," said Toni putting on an earring.

-I know. I'm sorry they can't come.- said Cheryl, finishing her makeup. Toni wanted her nephews to come, since they are very important to her, what she did not know is that Cheryl had a surprise in store.

-I'm going to dress Rose and let´s see how Thomas is doing .- Toni said, she was ready, only a few touches were missing.

"Are you ready for the exhibition?," said Toni to Rose.

-Yes.- she said with a nod

-Mommy and I are going to be busy but you are going to be with Jason, Maddie and Thomas, do not separate from them and if you need anything you tell Jason and he will tell us. okay?.


-If something happens you know what you have to say?.

-Yes! .- she said quickly

-What are your mothers name?

-Cheryl Topaz and Antou ... Antoinette Topaz.- she said concentrating. It was hard to pronounce the name well.- Toni smiled

-Very well, that's my girl.- The little girl smiled.- Are you going to take your bag?

-Yes mama.

-Inside you have mommy's number and mine, don't forget it.

"Mama, you comb my hair," said Thomas, entering her sister's room.

-Let's go! Or we will be late.- Toni said.

Everyone was almost ready, she was wearing a black suit, Jason and Thomas a dress jacket and black jeans, Maddie was wearing a black jumpsuit, Beatrice was wearing a black blouse and a red skirt. Rose a pink dress with little flowers and well Cheryl ... a new red dress hugging all her curves perfectly and her iconic red lipstick. Toni was amazed watching her wife go down the stairs.

"You're drooling, honey," Cheryl said when she got downstairs.

-What can I say. You are beautiful.- Toni said smiling and approaching Cheryl. The redhead smiled and blushed a little no matter how long they have been together, compliments always make her blush. They kissed quickly.

"A photo, and we're leaving," said Toni.

The exhibition was held in a gallery in central NY. There were a lot of people, people who had gone to other exhibitions and who already knew her and more new people.

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