Last summer day

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The last week of summer the Topaz prepare everything to leave Riverdale, suitcases, wash clothes, last dinners at Pop's, Toni and Cheryl wake up Thomas and Rose earlier so they can get used to school hours…. A lot of things and the one who is most nervous and the one who is in the most hurry to do everything is Cheryl, she likes order, she likes to have everything prepared ahead of time so she spends that week controlling and running from one place to another it does not matter how much Toni tries to calm her down, the redhead continues the same

That day was the last day of summer before they left Riverdale and headed back to town to prepare all the details for the new school year.

-TT ..- Cheryl sang over her wife's ear, the redhead pulled away a little and looked closely at her wife's face, she was sleeping peacefully.-my love.-she said softly

-Mmm.-murmured Toni without moving

-It's time to get up.-said Cheryl with a smile on her face

-I don't want to.-said Toni snuggling closer to her

Cheryl giggled that made Toni smile.-I have to wake up our babies and you...- she said, pulling away a little to look into her brown eyes. "You have to make us breakfast.

-Okay.-said Toni surrendering to the charm of her wife, Cheryl smiled gave her a quick kiss on the lips and got up with energy, Toni smiled at how happy her wife was and got up behind her

Cheryl started to wake Thomas around 9 and the little one took a good fifteen minutes to fully wake up, all to get up with narrowed eyes, then Cheryl went to Rose's room just like Thomas, Rose took that long and even longer to wake up, Cheryl helped her up and the little girl started to walk and as she was with her eyes closed she was bumping into the hallway walls

-Ouch.- she said putting her little hand to her head

-Come here.- Cheryl said, taking the little Topaz in her arms, the redhead never ceases to be surprised by how much they sleep and how sleepy their young children get up, they went down to the kitchen and Toni already had breakfast ready in the table

-Good morning, how is my little girl?.- Toni asked when she saw her wife enter with Rose in her arms

-Asleep.-Cheryl said, sitting a half-asleep Rose in her place and the redhead sat next to her wife.- My God, TT it's almost ten in the morning and they're asleep, what are we going to do when we have to wake up earlier? .- Cheryl asked worriedly

-They will have to get used to it.- Toni said raising her shoulders a little

-We shouldn't have let them sleep so long.- said the redhead looking at her young children again

-They like to sleep and they are in the summer.- Toni said giggling at her wife's concern

-I know but ... -said Cheryl shaking her head as she looked at her two children Thomas barely chewed his cereal and Rose held her head with her hand while keeping her eyes closed.- Rose was crashing into the hallways walls.- Cheryl said seriously looking back at her wife

A slight smile appeared on Toni´s face. "Don't worry about that, let's have breakfast." Toni said, serving fruit to her wife.

-We really have to go back.-said Maddie looking at Cheryl and Toni

-Yes, tomorrow we have a hairdresser all together at 1 in the afternoon and then I have pedicure, manicure and facial treatment.-Cheryl commented looking at her daughter

-And I go out with Nora after that.-Beatrice pointed out smiling, she and Cheryl had already organized everything, Maddie was also going to go and Toni would go later

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