Accident part II

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The morning after the accident Cheryl took the children to school while Toni rested in bed, the redhead had left her breakfast and pills on her bedside table in case she woke up. They still hadn't said anything about the matter since when she left the house Toni was still asleep, and the day before they didn't speak since they were all in bed hugging each other.

After leaving the children at school, Cheryl made a brief stop at her office to get all the documentation Bonny had prepared about the man who had run over the love of her life, without a doubt he was going to pay for everything he had caused

Cheryl came home a couple of hours later, greeted Crispis and went up to her room, as soon as she arrived she could hear Toni talking to someone on the phone

"Yes, great." She said happily. "Okay, now I sent you the data and you can fix it as soon as possible." Toni finished saying. Cheryl knew she was talking about the bike, she rolled her eyes and approached her wife. "Hi, babe." Toni said accepting Cheryl's kiss. "How are our babies?"

-Good.-said Cheryl smiling and sitting on the edge of the bed at the same time.- I have spoken with Bonny about the accident and we have everything ready to file the complaint.-said the redhead happy and smiling

Despite not having discussed the mater, Toni knew her wife very well and knew that she was not going to leave him- And now what are we going to do?.- she ask interested.

-Go to trial and crush him.-Cheryl said simply

-Babe, he will pay for what he has done.-Toni said softly

-Are you telling me not to punish that guy?.- Cheryl asked frowning, she was confused

-I'm not telling you that.-she said calmly.- what he did is wrong and he has to pay for it but ... don't be too harsh. I want to get this over with quickly and not make a drama

Cheryl held back her laughter and got up of bed. "That I don’t be to harsh." She said without believing it. "That man is going to pay for what he did and I'm not going to lower my guard for a single second." She said the last coldly.

-Babe ..- tried to say Toni

-No, TT. I am your lawyer and your wife, in this we are going to do what I say.-said Cheryl seriously

-Fine, do what you want.- Toni said sighing, she had lost this battle.- Can you bring me my laptop? I need to send the insurance data so that they can fix my bike

-You´re not being serious, are you?.- asked the redhead

-I have to fix my bike, you will not expect me to leave it like that.-said Toni confused

-I don't expect you to do anything Toni. You just had an accident with that death machine and are you thinking of riding again?.- Cheryl said, starting to get pissed off or rather pissed off

-That's what I'm going to do, fix it and ride it just like I've done it all my life.-said Toni

-I can´t believe you

-Excuse me.-said Toni frowning, now she was getting pissed off.- My bike had nothing to do with my accident, it was the other man

-What bothers me is that you worry more about your stupid motorcycle instead of worrying about our children and me.-Cheryl said angrily

-I worry about you, all of you.-said Toni seriously, she was not liking the direction this conversation was taking, she could not believe that her wife had just said that

-It doesn't seem like it. wanting to fix that death machine.-said Cheryl crossing her arms

Toni sighed.-Look you are angry and you are saying things that you will regret later.-said the brunette since she knows her wife perfectly

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