Toni and Rose

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Maddie opened the garage door for them to enter the house. "Rose has a fever." Cheryl said entering the house with Rose in her arms, Cheryl had just picked them up from theater and dance, the teacher had told Cheryl that the little girl was sweating more than usual and was hot, she immediately knew her daughter had a fever

"She has fever?" Toni asked, frowning as she looked at her wife and little daughter.- "She was fine when I left her at ballet." she said approaching them to check that her forehead was warm.

-Her teacher told me that she has started to be like this in class.- Cheryl said worried looking at her wife in the eyes

"How are you, honey?" Toni asked softly, looking at the little girl.

-I'm hot.- Rose said looking into her eyes

Toni looked at her wife worriedly and saw that Cheryl had the same look as her. -I'm going to get the thermometer.- Toni said, they quickly put it on and discovered that she had a fever, although not much, they decided to give her medication and they agreed that the next day she did not go to class.

The next day Cheryl was in charge of taking her kids to school, that way Toni would stay home taking care of Rose.

-Baby, I'm going to take our babies to school.- Cheryl said, Toni opened her eyes a little and saw how her wife brought her daughter in her arms so that she would sleep with her

-Okay, be careful.- Toni said with her raspy voice

Cheryl smiled sweetly, gave her a kiss on the lips and walked out the door, Toni hugged her daughter and closed her eyes a little more, just for a few more minutes since she had to work.

When Toni's alarm clock rang, she quickly turned it off so as not to wake her daughter although Rose was completely asleep, Toni smiled when she saw her, touched her forehead and it was a little hot but not too hot, she got up from bed, went to the bathroom to clean up, then went down to the kitchen for breakfast, grabbed her laptop and went up to her room to work while her daughter slept

-Good morning, honey.- Toni said when Rose began to move, the little girl didn't answer because she was still asleep but she snuggled up to her side making Toni smile, they stayed like that for a few long minutes.- how are you?.- she returned say when Rose sat up in bed with her eyes narrowed

"Fine," Rose mumbled sleepily.

"Does anything hurt?" Toni asked softly, stroking her hair.

-A little throat.- Rose said slowly bringing her hand to her throat

-Then we are going to make you breakfast and give you the medicine.- Toni said taking Rose in her arms and the laptop with the other hand, they went down to the kitchen and Toni prepared her breakfast while she worked and then gave her the medication

Little by little Rose began to wake up and perk up.

"Mama, can we take a bath?" she asked innocently.

Toni looked up from the laptop and looked at her. "Right now?" .- Toni said looking at the time on her phone, it was going to be half past eleven in the morning. Rose nodded quickly, Toni looked at her, her daughter was looking at her with puppy eyes and she couldn't say no, especially because she knew how much she liked to take a bath.- okay.- she said smiling making Rose smile.

The little girl led the way and Toni came up behind her with the laptop, followed by Cripis, they went into the bathroom, Toni put her laptop on the sink and turned on the bathroom faucet, when she turned Rose had Cheryl's closet open, where she keeps her bath bombs

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