Part 7, Chapter 2- Ears

Start from the beginning

Fred smiles a bit, "No, no. I'm alright. Everyone else is alright too I think." He looks over at Molly and George, "Ron and Bill aren't back yet..." He whispers to me.

I hug Fred tightly again, "I should have warned you all, I should have sent something to you saying that they were planning an attack or something. It's all my fault." I whisper so only he can hear me.

"None of this is your fault, Violet. Don't beat yourself up about it. It's Snape who sent that hex towards George's head, not you." He strokes my hair as he speaks.

"Can I... can I see him?" I say looking at George's unconscious body laying on the couch.

Fred pauses, "I don't think that's the best idea, Violet. George was drunk for three days straight after you said you didn't love him anymore. I don't think he wants to see you."

Molly looks over and gestures me to come closer to him, "You really shouldn't be here darling." She says to me softly, "George told me what happened between you two at the funeral."

I sit down on the floor, where Fred was sitting moments ago and hold George's hand in my own. "I had to say it. He wouldn't have let it go if I didn't. He has to forget about me, it's not safe for us. We can't love each other." I whisper.

Fred puts his hand on my shoulder and hands me a small cup of water. He sits on the coffee table behind me and rubs my back a bit.

Molly finishes cleaning George's wound and starts to wrap it up with gauze, "But you do love him..." Molly says softly.

I look at him with my eyes full of tears, "Course I love him." I look back at George and very gently brush the hair out of his face, "I love you dummy." I whisper.

Molly looks at me, "You two are going to drive me mad I swear."

I look at her and smile a bit, "You can't tell him that I was here." I turn around and look at Fred as well, "If you do then he'll just get hurt all over again."

Molly scoffs, "Just stay here till he wakes up and you two can have a real conversation. No more lies."

"No I agree with her mum. Especially with George hurt like this, it'll all be too much," Fred says. He pats my back again, "Not that I don't want you two together or anything. I'm just trying to protect you both from each other."

Molly clicks her tongue, "Says the one that told me the girl he loves was just a friend."

Fred and I both look at her with confusion, "I'm your mother Fred, I know when you're smitten for someone, and you were smitten for that Emma girl."

"The woman can't tell us apart but she can tell when I fancy someone." Fred mumbles. I laugh a little and Molly rolls her eyes.

"Hold on. Do you still fancy her?" I ask Fred looking away from George for a second.

Fred looks at the ground and smiles to himself a little, "It's more than that Vi. I'm pretty sure I'm in love with her."

Fred looks up from the floor and makes eye contact with me. He laughs once he sees the dumb smile i have on my face. "Once this is all over I'm going to need you to grow a pair and tell her how you feel alright?" I say, trying desperately not to tell him that Emma loves him too. It's not my place to say.

Fred laughs again, "Trust me, when this is all over I'm never letting that woman out of my sight ever again."

George stirs a little, ending my conversation with Fred. "It's them! Mum Bill and Ron!" Ginny shouts from outside. Molly and Fred rush out of the house together leaving me alone with George. I set the now empty cup on the coffee table and brush my thumb against George's face softly.

"You're a complete idiot." I whisper, "A complete fucking idiot, out here getting your ears hexed off." I trace my thumb over his rather chapped lips and smile, "And drinking? For days straight? I am not worth getting yourself that sick G... Course you dunno that I'm here do you? You probably never want to see me again, Fred's right, I shouldn't be here, I can't be breaking your heart all over again..."

I lean forward and kiss him on his forehead as carefully as I can, "Don't hurt yourself anymore please, my heart can't handle that." I pause, "You're the love of my life dummy."

I get up from my spot on the floor, George's eyes flicker open for a minute. He looks at me, confused, concerned, scared, in pain. I smile at him a little and apparate myself out of the Burrow and back into my bedroom at the Manor.

Draco is sitting on my bed, he stands up as soon as I get into the room, "That wasn't long. Are you alright?"

I nod a bit, "He's lost an ear but he's not dead so that's alright."

Draco sighs, "That's good... that's good yeah..." He goes over to the door and pulls it open.

"Harry's good too. Not even a scratch." I say to him.

Draco looks at me and smiles before closing the door behind him.

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