25| Troubles Never Cease

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I am thankful for my struggle because without it I wouldn't have stumbled across my strength.

The moment I saw the glowing tattoos I just knew what it meant. All the rumours about Fia's heritage were finally confirmed. It was hard to believe it at first, imagining her innocent face, but then again, so was the fact that this faultless woman would be a ruthless killer.

I remembered the first time I caught sight of her, walking in the vast sea of people. I could tell by her eyes that she would never hurt a fly, she would rather sacrifice herself than cause pain to anyone, especially to the ones she loved. She was beautiful and kindness was radiating from her soul.

As soon as I realised she was my mate I was stupefied, seeing that she was human. I never got that gut feeling that would give me even a hint that she was supernatural. However, who was I to question what was ordained?

I wanted to go slow with her, to make sure she wouldn't freak out once she found out about me, my kind. I didn't even want to think about how she took in this whole new world, the one she was now part of. Perhaps, her being this callous was the side effect of the circumstances in which she found out about the supernatural world.

Yet, her being half Djinn was probably the most surprising. I thought we were so different but that couldn't be further from the truth. Everything happened for a reason, I believed, and the more I got to know Fia, the more I believed that we were meant to be going through all the difficulties to end up where we were.

"What do you mean released?"

"Whatever reason was behind your powers being hidden..or locked even... it's gone."

"But...why now?"

"I think.. well, my theory is.. me marking you must have brought it out, " Fia looked at me with curious eyes which turned silver in a matter of seconds.

Her tattoo glowed again, making me stand at attention, ready for whatever might come. She just got her powers, losing control of them wouldn't be unusual.

Her pupils seemed to dissolve into liquid, making her eyes dark silver with swirling traces of black.

"Fia... what's happening?" No answer. "Fia.. hey..baby look at me.."

I didn't see anything remotely like this before and the truth was, I had no idea what to do. I was about to call my mother when Fia's eyes changed back to her warm chocolate ones.

She had tears streaming down her face and she just stared into nothing, with no movement, sitting still as a rock. I inched closer to her, still cautious, reaching out to touch her.

"Baby, are you OK?"

"I saw them...I.. saw..., " She was sobbing, making me throw my caution to the wind. I wrapped her in my arms and she clung to me tightly.

"Fia.. what did you see?"

"Mad... I saw...my parents..my real parents...," Her sobs were tearing my heart apart. " They were so amazing..."

"What do you mean you saw them?"

"I don't know. It was like.. my memories just... I remember my childhood before I was..well, we were given to the Abanos. My parents were.. my mother was beautiful, kind, and so full of life.. my dad.."

"It's OK, baby..you don't have to.."

"I know..but...I want to.. my dad was tough-looking but that couldn't have been further from the truth.. he.. he used to read us bedtime stories.. and..he was the sweetest man I've ever seen," She was smiling through her tears, making me hug her tighter. I whispered some loving, encouraging words to her until she stopped shaking, indicating the fact that she fell asleep.

Perfidious (Behind Smoke And Mirrors-Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now