Getting ready part 2

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They are leaving the hospital, headed home with Stacy and ohm jr. they were the most happiest they could be . But still got a wedding to plan .     

Meanwhile koa , earth and the gang were at the house throwing them a surprise baby shower, everyone was running around trying to hurry get everything ready , cause they were about to pull up. Earth said ok everyone hide    , when they come in and turn the lights on  everyone hoorays surprise ok. Everyone said ok " here they come hide everyone, fluke and ohm pull up and get the babies and started walking to the house , ohm grabs flukes hands and leans in to kiss his forehead.   Ohm ask are you happy sweetheart,    Fluke said I couldn't be more happy , I have a daughter , a son , who hopefully turns out like his daddy , ohm kiss flukes hand and said " thank you , but want about Stacy , I hope she takes after me , and just laugh , they where in there own world , when they approach the house , and unlock the door , and walk in and cut on the lights and hooray surprise. Fluke and ohm just smiled , ohm said I should have known , they walk in and sit down everyone was jumping up down , his friends his sister were wanting to hold the babies , ohm and fluke let them hold them one by one , has they talk and eat cake and snacks , and opening gifts , evening the maids , and helpers come and congratulate them , said " it will be nice to add to more , and went back to work , the party started slowing down one after one started to leave . They thank and hug everyone and said goodnight, has they held the babies  waving at the door, ohm said " I bet you these two are ready for bed . Fluke shook his head hug ohm and said" think you for giving me a family and for loving me , and bring these two beautiful sweetheart in my world.    Ohm said I won't have it any other way my love . They walk to the nursery open the door walk in  , and fluke said this is beautiful.     I love it , ohm said I'm gald you like it , I wonder if these two will I'm pretty sure they will love it . Fluke and ohm lay Stacy and ohm jr  down to bed and head to bed there self , to get any sleep they can , they go to there room change into there night clothes and claim in the bed  , and cuddle . And fall fast asleep , fluke woke up 2 hours later heard crying look over at ohm and said the babies are up , they did this though the night , when it was time to get up that morning , dragged there self out of bed looking like zombie,   But they got up got dressed feed the babies change them , and they all went down stairs for breakfast , has ohm they lay the babies down in the swings, ohm said koa and earth I need to talk to you after breakfast , in my office . Koa said ok sir.  Earth said will meet you in there , ohm finished breakfast , and told fluke he won't be but a min , fluke said your fine , I'm just going go make sure the babies are ok .     Ohm headed to his office after he kiss fluke on the lips ,   Fluke said take your time , I love you , love you too, and ohm walk to his office , and walk in and close the door , ohm look at koa and earth and boun was watching fluke and the babies , ohm said " I want to surprise fluke with planning the wedding and him not know it but I want you to help me , I want done by the end of the week , ohm said" one thing though.    Stacy and ohm jr are going be the flower boy and girl and it would be my honor if you and koa would carry them down the aisle , Stacy can hold my ring and ohm jr, can hold fluke but after we said I do and kiss , you'll hand each one the baby's two us .   Koa and earth were so happy we would be glad to , and thank you it would be are honor two , your like a bother two us . Ohm said thank you and said let's get started ,   I'm going go see if fluke needs any help , koa and earth said ok and explained it to boun for me tell him I got something to ask him later.      To come and find me. And he goes over to fluke and sits down on the couch and and flukes holding Stacy and ohm and jr , in his hands , ohm said" here let me see one he picks up ohm jr,  and they just sit there and talking to the babies.   While everyone watches them ,   

Look for the up coming chapter there going to be on the wedding I think you will enjoy them , if you have any ideas let me know ,

Thank you everyone for supporting me and reading my stories.          Have a good one

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