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That night fluke felt the safest his every been , in ohm arms , with a promise to a new life , and fluke woke up , and saw dean was steal asleep, he couldn't help but stare at his husband to be  , fluke lean down and kiss his lips , and ohm open his eyes, and look at fluke .   And kiss him back , it was a slow kiss, and then they parted  . Ohm said good morning  beautiful.   Did you sleep well , fluke said Like a baby. Ohm said we'll we better get up , and get dress and go eat breakfast, they got up and walk down stairs , to go to eat , and after last night , whrisper all the way around the house to the workers.  And the gruads  heard the news , so fluke notice everyone stearin at them , ohm just pull fluke in a hug , and said they all know there happy for us ,  ohm said now less go eat  , fluke said ok , they eat , and ohm said " koa,boun,pream joining us in the living room ,ohm took fluke hand took him to living room. Ohm said will you have a seat I need to talk to you , but first koa , you and earth find the other two.  Koa said" yes sir".  We did has you asked. . Ohm look at fluke sweetheart.     I got the three men that hurt you , I want to take you where they are.    And you can do anything you want , to them , fluke got a panic look on his face . Koa , said know that what touch you , me and earth and boun and pream and there four gruads.  That and there in chains.    I need you to face your fears.    So you can not worry all the time , the talking good , it's time to take the next step.    Fluke said" your right , only if you stay beside me . Ohm said I'm not going anywhere.    I will have hold on you.   Notthing going happen to you.    Your family got your back . Fluke said ok let's go , ohm said ok , are all y'all ready , we're we going to the tunnels.    Fluke said what" you will see. They walk to the back of the house.   And ohm pushes a bottom and a door open , ohm said koa , earth you go first will go behind you , and boun you and the others follow behind us.    They walk dow the stairs and fluke his looking has he walks through the tunnel, fluke said" ohm what is this place . It's a place that not many no about , you" see " ohm stops and looks at fluke you ready , fluke said, yes , koa open the door , and ohm and fluke walk through with the others and they fall in a line , fluke looks up , and see Bruce and the other two  chain up , ohm saids fluke you can do what you what and they were all kinds of wlips and hand cuff and everything you can image . And all of the sudden , somewhere in fluke felt good and he won't scare no more . She let go of ohm , and look at him said" I can do anything I want . Ohm told no one to move . Fluke walk up to Bruce , did you enjoy the aile when you and these two try to rape me, and you Bruce in the bathroom were you rape me , before ohm and koa  and earth show up  has she walks around them , ohm looking at fluke and with a smile on his face , cause of how proud he his  right now , fluke his standing his on , he walks over to the section we're all the stuff is and picks up the whip, and walks over to Bruce , Bruce said please don't fluke I'm sorry.   In the bath room I beg you to stop and you didn't , so why should I , after today your going hope you never see me again.    Fluke took the whip and swing it across his back , Bruce said pleas stop.   You didn't stop when I ask you to, and swing it again across his stomach , by time fluke got done , none of them wanted   To see him but before he was done. Fluke look at ohm now you what to tell ohm , you pay the grauds off to lock me in the bathroom and not let me out.    Ohm looks at him you pay the grauds  off ones I pay to perfect my husband to be . Bruce said your married this bitch she ain't worth nothing , you could see fire in his eye , and he wAlk up to Bruce and punch him slam in the place and broke his nose,   I dare you call fluke names , and said shit like that , your , lucky your still alive .  He look at koa and earth and boun and said do what you what with them.    And you know we're to take them , where they will never be found , and put his around fluke . And left and went back to the house 🏠. Ohm said I am sorry , I would never hurt a soul , but what he said was wrong , you are my life , you are worth everything to me and you are the beautiful person I know .  Fluke said it's okay, and put his hands around his neck and kiss ohm , ohh yea think we could use some of those things in the bed room like the whip and the handcuffs, ohm just laugh , sure sweetheart.  Anything you want .    Fluke grind can we use the whip and handcuffs tonight.    Ohm was speak less  for a second , don't get me wrong , I love how you getting braver, but where did all come from , fluke said we'll  it's all cause of you , my love , ohm just kiss fluke for head and pull fluke for a hug , I love you , oh yea my sister and her husband coming over today with my god daughter.    I want to tell them we're getting married , and for you to meet them and fluke said ok.    Fluke said how old the baby 1 mouth old ,  flukes said" that's so exciting , I love kids , about that time the door bell ring and ohm said they most be here , he open the door and it was his sister and her husband ohm said come on in , they walk in and came in the living room and sit down.   And ohm walk over to fluke  and put his arm around fluke wasit and they sit down .  Ohm said I got something to tell you , I'm getting married , this his my husband to be this is fluke . Ohm sister jump up hug fluke , said can I help you plan the wedding , oh ohm you are so lucky , congratulations.   Ohm sister hundsad said congratulations.   We're happy for you.   Fluke  ask can I hold her , she said sure she bent down pick up the baby out of the car seat and handing her to fluke.    Fluke ask what's her name ,she said rose.    Awww that's a beautiful name ohm watched fluke playing with the baby , and just smile , ohm sitter said" are y'all going get kids , fluke said " I hope.    Ohm said we'll I guest we are ,   Fluke just play with the baby , then they heard pream horay dinner ready ok bring it in the living room , pream said yes sir, ohm said " you really adorable   , looking at fluke , ohm said can I hold her I ain't seen her since she was born , fluke said yea I'm sorry.    My love , your fine I give her back , ohm sister said I got two things too ask you now . Me and husband half to go away for two days , would y'all mind keeping rose for me , ohm said " that"s find with me if fluke don't mine , fluke took the baby back from ohm I don't mind , next question is I got a friend that's due any day now , she looking for someone  , to adopt her and can give her the life she deserves , yea it's a girl .   He look at fluke having a ball playing with the baby. Said yea we take her , and fluke look up at him saiding thank you.   Fluke are you sure about this fluke said I couldn't be more sure and kiss his lips ,    She said ok I  will let you know when she haves the baby , that way you can meet her and be there when the baby born . On ther hand , thank y'all so much for watching rose we will pick her up Sunday when we get back .   Ohm said ok and hug her . She kisses rose and said mommy be back soon !!!   Ohm and fluke walk them to the door , and said we will start working on the nursery, by the way fluke. Said when she due this week coming . Fluke look at ohm and said we got to get started.   Ohm said yes we do , me you and rose and the grauds will go shopping tomorrow and koa and earth and boun . Fluke said how do you think there going take oh there probably going love it.    Has fluke lay up against ohm holding rose , ohm call koa and earth and boun  to the living room , and ohm said seat down make yourself comfortable , we're going have a baby next week koa said congratulations.    Earth said is the baby a boy are a girl earth said" yes with all of us we need a girl , boun said I'll help out anyway I can , we'll we're all going nursery shopping tomorrow ,    Pream over herald the conversation and said please let me come , I wanna help , ohm said of course your going he jumps up and down   Ohh and this is rose my god daughter.     She will be here until Sunday.    It was a long night for fluke she was excited. She couldn't sleep , it was finally morning everyone ate and fluke was putting rose in her car seat , and they headed at the door.    On there way to the store .   They got there and park and she pick up rose out of her car seat    , and said let's go ,

   They got there and park and she pick up rose out of her car seat    , and said let's go ,

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My  Knight and shining armorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora