Dont touch him.

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And with that they feel asleep. The next morning fluke woke up and look over at ohm and kiss his forehead and said thank you for last night , Fluke thoughts ohm was still asleep , but ohm won't . Ohm open his eyes, and said anytime . You can count on me. And ohm pull fluke into a hug. Kiss fluke cheek , but we got to get up and get ready for work , fluke said I forgot I be ready in 20. Ohm said no hurry . Let me know when you are ready. Ohm said oh. By the way they fix the other room with your shoes and clothes if you need anything else you let me know . I'll send someone to get it. Are I'll take you. Fluke said ok. Thank you . Fluke a ohm got ready meet each other for breakfast. Ate and boun pop up said sir the car ready. Ohm said ok and they walk out and get in the car. And there off to the office. Ohm said I had them fix you and office right beside me. So no one brothers you. And you let know if you need anything. They get to the office ohm and fluke get out of the car and walk in and gets in the elevator , leading to his office , they walk in he introduced fluke to everyone . They didn't realize they were still holding hands , but ohm really didn't care either. Cause just like people thAt work for him they new not to question him. There only one person , that could do that , that was fluke . But everyone said good morning. And went back to work, but soon has the door shut everyone one whisper who is that , is that his boyfriend , I didn't know he had one. Than everyone started jumping in who , what , when. It was about lunch time . Ohm knock on fluke door you ready for lunch fluke said yea. In fluke mind , all he was doing starring at four walls. Fluke snapped out of it and heard ohm said you ready , Fluke said yea sorry. I was in my on little world . Let's go ,  so boun was waiting by the car for them they went and ate at ohm favorite place.   Rain"s.  And they was thought eating.  And was about to leave . When a man appears and walks up to fluke.   It was flukes ex that never really got over him.   Ohm said Bruce said you can give him back.   Fluke. Is mine , ohm could see fluke was scared.   He call a number and with then 5 mins three men show up  circle fluke.   Who was holding his hands around ohm .   Ohm talking very gently it's going be ok .   Ohm look at the Bruce and said. Where your two other friends that gang up on him that night.  Yea I remembered you well .  Yea you sent your men to find us.  Ohm said yes I did  , and how did you feel when they got though with you.  Didn't feel good didn't it.   Ohm said I heard , they come back and told me.    Ohm said.   Bruce said" we'll don't matter. The only reason fluke got beat up cause he refuse to take me back.    Ohm said".  No one touches him are harms him.  He will have someone with him at all times.  And if you try and touch him again.   You want be able to walk away.   Ohm could here fluke about to cry .    Koa earth take care of this.    And ohm turn around and hug fluke tightly.   No one going brother you.   Trust me.  


Why fluke so scared of him ,     Being his ex , everybody got one.    Did he do something to fluke I'll talk to him later about it.     And ohm snapped out of it.    

They was pulling up at the office fluke would not let go of ohm , ohm said sweetheart it's ok.    Fluke shakes his head no.   Ohm what if he does it again.   Ohm says what again.   And once they were headed to the office door .   Ohm look at boun , no one his to brother me in any condition.    Boun  said yes sir . And stand at the door.   Once they was in the office and ohm and fluke sit down.   Ohm said sweetheart look at me what if he does what to you again.  Well Bruce was the sweetest person , you would have thought.    I thought that when I meet him.and we have been dated for atlease three weeks . And then he became different.    One night he came to my house with a friend.    And I was kind like I am to everyone.    He ever introduced me too. But Bruce had plans I didn't know about.   I excuse my self to go get ready for bed . Little did I know about  5 mins later he came in the room with his friend.  And grab me I ask him what he was doing and before I knew it he had me on the one at a time rapping me.     I hide from him . I thought he wouldn't find me . But he did. What am I going do .  Fluke with tears in his eyes . Ohm said sweetheart don't you worry I will have more men gaurd you. That he can't get to you.  Lucky ohm won't busy that day he open the door and told boun to get the car.    I'm leaving to take fluke home.    Yes sir.   And ohm pick him up like a baby and carry him out.   To the car and got in boun took them home.    Ohm got out of the car still holding fluke in his hands . And going to his room instead of flukes.   Ohm put him on his bed cover him up and kiss his forehead I got to go do something   , I'll be right back.   Sammy is right out side if you need something.     Fluke said thank you.   Ohm walk out the room  , ohm call for a meeting downstairs to dubble the gaurds around fluke to make sure he felt safe .  Ohm on the inside was boiling mad.  But he was trying to stay calm.      But then call koa and earth for a different reason.      

My  Knight and shining armorNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ