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Yes you can . I am the ceo of company's. That buy and sale. Fluke said you have more then one, ohm said yes. Then ohm said can I ask you want you do, sure I work has a clerk in a little shop around the corner. It's not much but it pays the bills. And ohm said I hear you. Then fluke hoary ouch , ohm said I think we should get you back in bed. Fluke said yea I'm hurting. And has ohm started walking fluke back to his room. And went in and slowly lay him on the bed. They stared at each other for a moment. And then snapped out of it. From then on ohm took care of fluke his self , and if he couldn't he would make sure boun , are pream are Sammy took care of him. And he had the best of care. A week has fly by. Fluke has gotten to where he could move around more. Ohm on days would take fluke a tour of the house , are for a walk in the garden. And ohm has grown fonder of the boy. And fluke was warming up to him.  He started to trust him.   Ohm was going  to flukes room . And he didn't know fluke had just got out of the shower.    Ohm saw fluke with just a towel on . He trun his head real quick.   And said" sorry . I just came to see if you would like to go with me to the garden.    Fluke said" sure let me get dress and I'll be right out.    Fluke finally walk out and fluke sence  ohm has feels for him.   But he wanting to know for sure so he started little hits here and there.   He wrapped his hand around ohm arm has they where walking ,    It didn't seem to brother ohm.    So step in the garden and  and walked over to the beached and sit down.    And they were quiet for awhile .   Ohm said   I love you.    Fluke didn't hear want he said and ohm there to get more confidence to said it , I love you he said" fluke just trun and look at him.  And said are you sure, ohm said yes , I love your smile, I think you handsome,   There's not a day  I want to go without seeing you.   I love everything about you.   And fluke look at him and lean in and slowly kiss his lips  has ohm welcomes it he wraps his arms around his waist. And pull him closer , and deepened the kiss.   Asking for permission to enter  and fluke gave it he started kissing him hard.   And remember fluke was hurt and pull back ,   Ohm look at fluke stay with me , don't go back.   And I wanted to offer you a job in the company.    Fluke laugh and said what.   I have no skills when it comes to stuff like that.   Ohm said to be my private.  Sectarty. , fluke said really.    Fluke look at ohm and said how can I refuse that.   And wraps his arms around ohm neck.   Fluke said wait min where do I sleep.   Ohm said I can get pharem  to prepare you a better room. Are you can sleep with me.  Fluke said can I do both , ohm said if that's what you like. Ohm and fluke got up and ohm said I got to get two work.  I'll make everything set up for you.    Has they were walking in boun saw them holding hands . And took back alittle but he no's not to question.  Boun said sir the car his ready . Ohm said ok.   Ohm look at fluke and said" make yourself at home , when I get back we will go get your stuff out of your apartment.    Ohm look at boun and said tell pream to prepare a new room for pream.   And get koa and earth and pream to get ready when I get back where going to get fluke stuff out of his apartment.  And later on tell the cook to get what food flukes likes to eat.   OhM look at fluke said I'll be back shortly. And lean down to kiss his forehead.   And said boun his the car ready.  Boun said yes sir.    And with that fluke wave bye ohm has he left for work .

My  Knight and shining armorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora