I'm Dead, and hes a Jerk- Getting the plan together.

Start from the beginning

She froze as she took in what I said. She remained silent, and I was amazed that she had actually listened to me.

Spoke too soon.

“I'm going to choke the bastard!” she screamed, turning around and charging back to the house. I ran after her, and picked her up by the waist. Jesus, she was hard to tame I’ll tell you that. She was kicking and struggling to get out of my grasp, and she almost did at one point.

“Let go of me! His balls are coming off. I'm going to shove them down his throat!” she continued screaming. I carried her back to the car, and set her down on her feet. I quickly pinned her up against the side of the car to stop her from running back in there to follow through with what she was saying. Not that I wouldn’t have liked to see that, but it wasn’t part of the plan.

“Eve stop!” I demanded. “You promised remember?!”

“And you believed me?” she looked at me like I was an idiot. She had a point.

“Look, believe me there is nothing I would like more than to rip his head off his shoulders right now, but we can’t.” I told her calmly.

“Why the fuck not?!” she ordered.

“Because Leah doesn’t want that” I stated. She immediately stopped struggling and looked at me, her face instantly calming down at the mention of her best friend. With a little hesitation, she nodded her head and I let go of her.

“So what the hell are we meant do? Call the police?” she asked. I shook my head.

“No, we can’t. We’ve got no solid proof that he did it. He would walk free.”

“So the only option is to kill him.” she took a step forward, obviously going for the house again. I put my hand up to stop her, and to my surprise she did.

“Leah wants him to pay for what he did. Properly.” I informed her “She wants him to go to prison, according to her apparently that’s the worst thing that could happen to him.”

She thought about it for a minute, the nodded her head. “She’s got a point. Seth’s dad went to prison a few years back, and from the stories his dad told him, Seth is shit scared of prison. He has told us before he would rather die than get locked up. Ironic how things turn out hey?” she scoffed bitterly.

That made sense. If that’s the thing he’s scared of most, then this plan is definitely going ahead. Like Leah said, death would be too much of an easy option for Seth. The little shit is going to pay for what he did to her, properly.

“In that case, I have a plan” I told her. She raised her brows in curiosity.

“Does it end with him getting raped by a fat bloke called Tiny?”

“If we do it right, then yes.” I replied confidently. Her face turned into a smirk.

“Then I’m in, what do you need me to do?” she asked eagerly. If there was anyone who I could rely on when it comes to revenge, It’s this girl right here.

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