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Jace's POV

"Bro, you found your mate, right?" One of my best friends and my future Beta Oscar said, grinning.

I ran up the stairs of the pack house. "Yup, but she's human. I'm going to tell my dad now."

Oscar gave me a fist bump. "Can't wait for my mate. What's her name?"

"Kasey, and she's playing hard to get. But don't worry, I'll win her over. She lives in the woods-"

I was interrupted. "Wait, did you say woods? Near the border or..."

I nodded. "Near the border. She lives in an old house. It looks like it's ancient bro. You should've seen it!"

I arrived at my dad's office.

"Well, imma leave. Good luck!" Oscar ran downstairs.

I knocked on the door. "Come in son!"

"Hi dad! I found my mate today! She's human though..."

He clapped his hands. "Wow that's wonderful! Now you can become Alpha soon! Did you tell your mom?"

"Tell me what?" My mom strolled in, her long hair flowing down her back.

I grinned at her. "I found my mate!"

She gasped and hugged me tight. "My little boy has grown up! When will we meet her?"

"She's human, so it might take some time," my father interjected.

She nodded. "When are you going to tell her?"

I frowned. "Um... not soon? It's a work in progress."

My mom ruffled my hair and nodded. "Of course, take as much time you need."

Next morning...

I saw her walk out of her house, wincing and pulling on her unique necklace. I'll pay a visit to the library about that later.

"Hey, what up?" I asked, walking up to her.

She pushed past me, ignoring me.

I ran to catch up to her. "Ignoring me again sweetheart? You know how that ended yesterday."

She scoffed. "Then you know not to call me sweetheart."

I grinned as I saw the school come into view. "See you in class! Which I have with you by the way." Yeah, I asked the principal, who is a werewolf, and switched schedules!

For the whole day, I tried making a conversation with her, and she's kind of caving in.

"If you mean, never gonna happen, caving in? Cause that's literally what she said when you asked her on a date. I mean, who the hell does that after 1 day?" My asshole wolf Howl mocked.

"Shut up," I snarled back.

He scoffed but retreated back, mumbling.

I arrived at the pack library. Perfect. Now I could search for anything about that unusual necklace of hers.

Surprisingly, I found nothing. It sure was unique. And the pendant looked almost like real blood.

Hm, blood...


I went to the vampire section and searched for anything useful, anything concerning that necklace.

Aha! Jewelry in history.

I flipped the pages and my eyes found... something interesting.

I guess I'll have to ask my parents about it.

I looked back at the almost blank page. Why is there only a description of the appearance of the necklace but not what it's for?


Kinda short, kinda boring. You'll see what he found in the next chapter.

🇻 🇴 🇹 🇪  🇦 🇳 🇩  🇨 🇴 🇲 🇲 🇪 🇳 🇹!!!! 💤

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