Chapter 401: Why Do You Ignore Me

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Bai Yue sit up under the quilt and kicked them: "Just go. What's the use of guarding mother? Can you help me brush my teeth and wash my face?"


The wolf cubs looked at each other a few times, and they seemed to be unable to help, so they run out happily.

Lele is still lying on the ground. Seeing his mother looking at himself, Lele immediately shouted: "Mom."

Bai Yue smiled and patted the edge of the bed, "Come on, baby."

Lele swallowed, but shook his head unswervingly: "Don't eat. Lele don't want to eat."

Bai Yue feels disappointed. In fact, for a mother, breastfeeding is the greatest happiness.  The child suddenly doesn't want to eat his mother's milk. Putting it on any mother is bound to lose.

Bai Yue didn't force Lele, and said softly: "Then you can go out to play. It will have a hurricane, and there will be no chance to play by then."

Lele had no interest in the games of the weak downstairs at all, but he couldn't bask in the sun after the weather changed, which embarrassed him.

So Lele stand up, and walked out staggeringly with his little short legs like a lotus root.

There's only Bai Yue left in the room. She slid out of the bed softly, stepped on the plush carpet, walked to the window, and pushed the window open.

Suddenly a cold wind whizzed in, making Bai Yue's hair fluttering wildly.

The wind feels cold like an ice knife, but it made Bai Yue, who had been bored all day and night, refreshed a lot.

Standing by the window. You can see the street in front of the hospital building.  The streets are paved with flat slabs, and it is hard to imagine that this is a wilderness area a few months ago.

Bai Yue didn't dare to blow the cold wind for too long, turned and walked to the bathroom.

As soon as she left, Xiong Yao walked to the corner of the street and walked towards the hospital gate.

Looking up at Guoguo's ward, Xiong Yao is shocked and run into the hospital without expecting the window to be open.

After opening the window for a while, the air in the house became much fresher and the temperature dropped. 

There is a rushing sound of water from the toilet, the sound of water stopped, and Bai Yue walked out.

Xiong Yao, who had just entered the door, collided with Bai Yue, who had just left the bathroom door.

"Xiong..." Bai Yue lowered her head and see Xiong Yao, the most intimate part of her body begin to ache again, reminding the male in front of her how close she had been.

Bai Yue's face immediately turned red, and she walked toward the hospital bed with her head down.

Xiong Yao pressed his lips tightly, walked to the window and closed it.

Bai Yue also walked to the window and stretched out her hand to push the window open again.

Xiong Yao twisted his eyebrows and glanced at Bai Yue before closing it again.

Bai Yue pushed again.

"Guoguo..." Xiong Yao said embarrassedly.

Bai Yue raised her head and finally made sure, Xiong Yao didn't wait to see herself.

Is it ignore?  Don't you cherish it if you get it? Is this the true face of males?

She felt aggrieved in her heart, staring at Xiong Yao with her eyes wide open, her mouth pouted.

Under Bai Yue's accusing eyes, Xiong Yao immediately explained: "You can't blow cold wind."

Guoguo just complained about him and didn't drive him away, which is better than she thought.

It's just that Guoguo feels even more distressed. She would rather vent to him.

Bai Yue said angrily: "Why are you ignoring me?"

Xiong Yao is taken aback and said, "I didn't ignore you."

"You said you didn't ignore me. You didn't talk to me yesterday, and you don't talk to me today. It's clear that everyone is playing on the floor here, but you were going home to sleep and stay with Qiuqiu?" Bai Yue buried it in one breath.  The question in her heart is thrown out.

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