Chapter 10: Gaia

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Cauliflower was right about me just needing to distance myself from Hades but. . . I dont think this is what he meant.

Cronus lifts himself up onto the ledge looking at me. I lean down on the ledge with my elbows.

"In the small time ive known you, ive never felt so relieved." He says while looking up into the sky.

"W-what do you mean?"

"Your so easy to talk to and your funny too." He looks back down at me. His smile will never get old.

"I never had many friends besides nymphs and. . . Usually they didnt have time for me besides Rosetta of course. But you-you make me forget things that are hurting me and became someone I can rely on a bit." He hops down and wraps his arms around me hugging me tightly.

"Geesh, so touchy." I wrap my arms around him tightly while pressing my cheek against his chest. I look up at him as he places his hands on my hips.

"Dont worry, I wont kiss you a-" I quickly pull him down by his shirts collar and press my lips against his. I close my eyes gently as I feel him begin to kiss back and pull me tighter to his body.

I pull back after a few moments opening my eyes to see Cronus' face red. My heart begins to race rapidly realizing what I had done. I go to pull away but he tugs me to his body again hugging me tightly.

"Just for a bit longer. . ." He whispers into my ear. I nod my head in response while gently pressing my face into his chest. I fill my phone vibrate and pull it out of my back pocket checking for messages. I realize the time on my phone says 4:54.

"Oh no!" I quickly push out of the hug.

"Whats wrong??" Cronus questions confused.

"I'm gonna be late meeting Hades! Were supposed to talk tonight and I told him id be there at 5!" Cronus' facial expression changes like he is really upset.

"Its okay, but I really need to get going. You can go to the house to have dinner with Rosetta. I'm sorry!" He shakes his head and smiles.

"Its okay. It was fun while it lasted. Ill text you later?" I nod my head smiling and quickly hug him before climbing on the ledge of the building.

"What are you doing?" He asks while grabbing my arm tightly.

"If I walk I wont make it in time. I need to hop buildings."

"Is that safe?" I smile looking down at him.

"I'm a goddess, ill be fine." He lets go and I kneel down slowly. 3. . .2. . .1! I feel power rushing through my veins as I leap from the ledge leaving an indentation and hop onto the next building. I look back at Cronus when I land waving my hand goodbye. He waves his hand back before turning his back and making his way to the elevator.

I hop from building to building thrusting myself into the air. This is a stress on my body as I'm not used to using my magic except to tend to fields. I feel drowsy as I'm almost there but I hold onto reality. I take a quick glance at my phone before knocking on his door rapidly.

4:59. . . I barely made it in time. I hear shuffling behind the door before a familiar face appears.

"Hey. . ." He says quietly. The bags under his eyes still show making him look older than he is supposed to. His raven black hair sticks out in all places and his posture is slouched.

"Hey, you okay?" No matter how much I wanted to show him how upset I was, I just couldnt hide my true feelings.

"Yeah. . ." He replies while yawning.

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