Chapter 6: Written In The Books

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We all sit at the table eating in awkward silence. Slowly the time passes and dessert approaches us. I cut a piece of the small lava cake and put it in my mouth. It melts into my taste buds immediately and sends a tingling feeling throughout my body.

"Mmmm~" I let out noise from the pleasure my taste buds are receiving.

"Did you make this Hades?!" I say with my mouth full. He chuckles and nods his head.

"I made up the recipe too." He rubs the back of his head nervously.

"Its soo goood~" I say while shoving more into my mouth.

"I didnt know you were a cook Hades." Rosetta says while eating the cake just as fast.

"There are a lot of things about me not many know." He says while eating his food like a normal god unlike the two of us. Cauliflower eats it silently not saying a word. We all fall back into silence while eating the dessert.

"So, how have you all been?" Hades breaks the silence.

"Oh, ive been good." Rosetta states along with her brother.

"After this cake, good is an understatement for me." I say while finishing the last bite.

"If youd like, there are extra in the kitchen." He says while picking up our plates.

"Can we take them home?!" I say with joy feeling my bones. He smiles nodding his head.

"Don't eat too much though, I made them with wine and you might get a little droopy." I nod my head following him into the kitchen while leaving Rosetta and Cauliflower at the dining table. Hades puts the dishes in the sink to soak and opens his fridge which has a few extra lava cakes. He pulls out half a dozen and places them gently into a bag tying it up once he finishes. He sighs and leans against the counter with his hands in his hair.

Something is wrong with him. I walk up to him and hesitate before placing my hand on his back rubbing up and down. My heart begins to race just a little at the warmth of him against my palm. He jumps up startled and looks down at me.

"Why arent you with the others?" He says nervously while grabbing the bag full of cakes. I grab his arm to pull him back to me before he could leave back to the dining room.

"What's wrong?" I say looking into his deep ocean like eyes. He shakes his head and looks down at our feet.

"Just some extra work I have to finish tonight at my job." He still has bags under his eyes from last night and I doubt he will get any sleep tonight with the sound of how much work he has to do.

"I can uhm, help do some of it. Or at least try." He vigorously shakes his head.

"No I-its-" I cut him off though because I know he will decline.

"I'm coming whether you like it or not. You can't go so many nights not sleeping. Even gods need rest. Admit it, you would like the extra help." A small smile creeps up the lower side of his face.

"Thank you, I owe you two now." I shake my head and point at the lava cakes.

"You already made it up you big loaf." He smiles and walks up to me. He hesitates to hug me then pulls back. So, he does have a soft size.

"S-sorry." He stutters.

"Shut up." I mumble while tugging him over to me. I stand on my toes and wrap my arms around his neck hugging him tightly. I hear him place the bag full of lava cakes on the counter behind me before I feel his hands wrap around my waist hugging me tightly. He leans lower to place his head on mine and lets out a heavy sigh. His body presses against mine as his body heat radiates off him onto me. I feel heat rise throughout my whole body especially my face. I feel his grasp loosen and I grab onto the back of his shirt hugging him tighter. He cant see me like this. . .

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