Chapter 8: Little Princess

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I pull on a short black dress and cropped white furry coat. I look at myself in the mirror. I'm kinda fat arent I. . .? I pull the dress down a bit and walk out of my bedroom to show Rosetta ans Cauliflower. I twirl slowly in the dress and jacket showing them everything. Rosetta holds her hands over her mouth while Cauliflower shakes his head and clicks his tongue.

"What, is it bad?!" I say. Maybe the dress is too short. . . or the jacket doesnt go good with it. Rosetta grabs my arm tightly pulling me back into my bedroom.

"Eyes closed. Give me about 30 minutes." She says. I obey closing my eyes. After a bit, I hear a sizzling sound and feel my hair being pulled a bit. After a while, Rosetta gives me the 'ok" for me to open my eyes. I open my eyes as she turns my chair around towards the mirror. My hair is in jumbles curling around in circles over my shoulders. I gently touch it making Rosetta chuckle before pulling me back out of the room. Cauliflower nods his head.

"Much better. Now if you dont mind, I'm going to continue my work." With that he walks out through the back door. My phone begins to ring and Rosetta picks it up looking at who it is.

"OOOoooo, loverrrr boiiiii!" I elbow her gently while feeling heat rise through my face and snatch my phone from her before she is able to answer it. I drag the green button across the screen and put my phone to my ear.

"Hello, this is Persephone." I speak into the phone.

"AND ROSETTA!!!" Rosetta screams making sure the phone picks up. I run into my room closing the door behind me and locking it.

"You ready?" He finally says. I lean my back against the door sighing.

"Uhm, yeah." I reply.

"Good, because im right outside."

"Oh, did I keep you waiting?? Im so sorry!" He chuckles through the phone.

"Nah, just got here."

"Ill be right out!" I say while yanking my door open. Rosetta stumbles from leaning against the door. I press the hang up button and glare at Rosetta.

"You are just so petty." She laughs and nudges me with her arm.

"You know you liiiike him!!!" She says while winking with both eyes.

"You know your just blinking right?" She shakes her head aggressively while crossing her arms.

"No!!! Its called double wink! Now c'mon, You don't wanna keep him waiting any longer!" She shoves me towards the front door opening it and pushing me out.

"Have fun!" She says before slamming the door behind me. I look over at Hades akwardly as he rolls the window down. I take a seat in the passenger seat and buckle myself up.

"That woman is crazy." He says while driving off.

"Hey, thats my friend your talling about!" I say while gently slapping him on the arm. We both laugh.

"I know, because you fit right in with her." Ah! What?!

"I might be crazy, but your insane." He says while smiling at me. His white teeth show and his eyes are soft. The bags under his eyes have only gotten bigger. I feel warm inside while he continue smiling at me. As I feel a smile creep up on my face I quickly look away and point in front of us.

"Eyes on the road!" He chuckles and turns back towards the road. I sigh running my hands through my hair slowly. This is gonna be a long car ride. The rest of the rude we sit in silence. I lean against the door watching all the people and buildings fly past. As we approach his building, this time the people are held back. This gives bad memories. . . I rub my arm gently looking down at my legs.

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