Chapter 4: brought to you by Aunt Flow

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Where orifice bleeding is celebrated, low reproduction rates are discussed, cats are bossy, feminism regresses, and cramps suck hair covered, poop flavored pop-cicles.


Both girls flushed. Shay put a hand to her face.

"That's not what I'm trying to say..." she muttered, having already given up. "Jeeze, these weirdos, shouting about baby-making and love confessions in town square like it's whose got the best T-shirt. Have they no shame?"

Neara nudged her side. "I think Blondie has the hots for you."

"He doesn't even know me."

Still, Shay's stomach fluttered. It troubled her. Parker, who'd acted like an eight-year-old with a grown man's body, had been easy to shake off. But Harvey, whose intelligence and gentility shown even in the way he walked, was not so. That made him dangerous.

"It doesn't matter who likes us," she said lowly. They weren't going to be staying there long anyways.

Neara eased closer, frowning. "Do you think estrous cycle is their word for period? Estrogen, estrous?"

Shay shrugged.

"What are you too muttering about?" Calvin leaned in.

"Woman stuff." Neara pushed away his face.

"Don't you whisper to each other in front of me!" Eudora snapped.

Yet the two girls and their leopards ignored her in favor of the slender, blue-eyed doctor making his way towards them. Parker's tail puffed up.

"I don't need you to love my female," he growled.

Harvey paid him no heed, his eyes only for Shay. "If you need any more medicine, just ask. You don't have to pay me food."

Parker flinched. "Don't mind him, Shay! I remember what medicines you liked and can find them myself!"

Shay sighed and shifted in place, a hand to her ear. "Do you always have to shout everything?"

As she shifted, she winced, putting a hand to her lower back.


Parker's ears perked. "Are you okay?" Then he froze and leaned forward. "Why do you suddenly smell so good?"

Shay backed away. "Do you mind?"

"I recognized that smell," said Harvey softly, whose pupils had dilated. "She's beginning her estrous cycle."

"Huh?" said Shay.

"Shay? Are you okay?" asked Neara, drawing near.

"Yeah, I just started cramping. We should probably get back so I can get to my bag for a pad. Can't believe it has to start--"

She's was broken off by Parker sweeping her off her feet with a joyous cry that drowned out her shriek of alarm.

"I'm so happy!" he cried. "My female is starting her estrous cycle!"

Heat flooded up to Shay's face, her hands to her thighs, but Parker didn't stop there. He repeated "She started her estrous cycle!" several more times like some kind of party cheer as he swung her around.

"Lunatics," she put an arm over her face. "They're all lunatics."

"You're kicked out, Calvin!" cried Parker with a toothy grin. "Like hell I'm letting you around while we're reproducing!"

Calvin didn't much react, though Neara flinched horribly.

"Don't you dare--!" she started.

But Parker had already dashed off, crowing with joy and Shay helplessly clutched to his chest.

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