Chapter 81: brought to you by THE studmuffin

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Beefcake Bonus Chapter, because we haven't seen what a certain sexy tiger man is up to in a hot minute. (Let's face it, every minute with Winston is hot!)


"That's fine, just make sure they're comfortable." Winston detested giving orders, almost as much as he disliked the cowering and bowing and simpering the other beastmen gave him. He wasn't any better than them, just stronger, and it made him feel as if he didn't belong on the throne.

He checked on Vance's work, just in case, because although Rosa and Vera, her mother, hadn't done him any favors... they were still females and deserved as much comfort as he could give them. Rosa turned away from him with a scowl when he checked on her and Vera settled on their largest Bear. Small water skins and bags of dried meat were twisted underneath their feet, looped into belts tied around the bear's middle. He'd made sure they had access to enough provisions for the journey and would check up on them every day... or at least he'd ask one of the beastmen to do it. He knew he should delegate more...

"Tap Ichabod's side, should you require anything. He has permission to access anything for your comfort during the journey." His heart panged when Rosa refused to acknowledge him. He'd watched her grow up, hadn't he? Held her small hands in his and guided her to the freshest honey plums he could find... how could she have grown so hateful to him?

No matter... a female's mind was her own and no matter her feelings towards him, he still had a duty to ensure her comfort and health. Four Ape Clan doctors stood on the sides, clutching their small bags of herbs, and he thought about a welcoming smile. Coming from someone as ugly as him, though, it might be seen as an act of aggression. No, he had to stay on their good side so their report to the Ape King would be favorable. Anything to rectify the situation... although how he'd become angry at Neara and Shay was anyone's guess.

Beastmen chattered around him, but he'd learned to filter out the mean comments his appearance drew. He didn't even have to resist the urge to hide his scar anymore... although his fingers trembled at the memory of Neara so close to him, her lips forming the words he hadn't dared to hear.

No. He couldn't get carried away. The expedition needed his protection and if he allowed her to occupy his thoughts; well, like his heart, she filled his head completely.

"Frank is to lead, I will circle around and keep an eye out for Colossus, ferals, and trade opportunities." They'd gone over it this morning, but he didn't want anyone to feel left out if they'd forgotten. He sniffed the air again, just to make sure he couldn't detect the faintest whiff, then motioned forward. Frank was a fine leader, strong and capable, and very intelligent. He rivaled the Ape Clan in his ability to figure out his way around problems. He deserved the title of King more than Winston did, but he supposed a Clan needed strength more than brains, which is why the tentative alliance with the Ape Clan benefited them more than the City of Beasts.

With a backward glance at the males in charge of Rosa and Vera to check on whether or not Ichabod could hold himself at a gentle speed (he did), he stretched himself into his beast form, the joints popping and rippling in a pleasure-pain vibration down his entire body. He should have grown accustomed to this, but the pure power that filled his frame, far different than his beastman form, felt like as much control as he could possibly handle. Neara flickered at the edges of his memory, like a candle, and he swore he could almost smell her on his fur.

He leaped into the forest, burying his nose in the strongest fang plant he could find, the spicy bitterness clearing his nose and making him sneeze. He focused on his surroundings, on the smell of greasy squirrels hiding in the trees, birds flitting above the canopy, disturbed by the noise he made. There was a scent of Scorpion barely overlaying the leaves, so faint it must have passed by months ago. It wasn't a threat to the caravan. Although how had it passed so close to the City without him noticing? He shook his head again. No, he had to focus on what his mission right now needed... although he would like nothing more than to hunt it down and tear every limb from its body for daring to threaten Neara's safety.

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