Ch.6 Childhood Friend

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My father and I worked late hours for almost a month. Nara was right; after a few days, I received a call with the names and addresses of the individuals involved with Chen. About 85% of the money turned up a few days after that. My father cleaned the company and even partnered with Mr. Maverick's security company, NAM, to protect his company and future clients.

I never got the name of the individual who called, and we couldn't trace the number, but I was highly grateful for whoever they were.

           Everything started to fall back into place, and I felt relieved. It's been a few weeks since things settled and returned to normal. My father told me to take a week off while he and Mr. Maverick handled other business. The spring season was coming to an end, and summer was approaching. I decided to start planning my annual summer trip that I and a few friends take yearly.

As I sat thinking, I realized I hadn't seen Nara in almost two months. We were busy with work, but I always asked her father about her. He said she was working on other projects, which kept her out of the office in meetings most of the time. My father was still pressing for me to get closer to her, so I invited to extend an invite to her on our trip and out this weekend for drinks.

         I scrolled through my contacts and pulled up her number. My heart started racing as I pressed the dial.

I tried to keep myself working nonstop. My father said I worked like a workaholic but needed to keep my mind occupied. Every time I went to sleep at night, I relived that moment. I decided to pick through my father's business and fix everything I could find that was out of place. I did so much work that now there was nothing left to do.

I lay on my bed looking at the ceiling when my phone rang. I looked at the unfamiliar number and hesitated before answering.


        "Hello Nara it's Ji Mong."

        I was surprised to hear his voice, yet somewhat glad. "Um, hey, what's up?"

        "I wanted to thank you for your help properly. I'm having a night out with some friends this weekend, and we are taking a trip a week later. So I wanted to know if you would like to join us?"

         I wasn't in the mood to be around people. "Um, it sounds fun; however, I'm not really the party type."

        "Then what type are you?" He said in a slightly seductive tone.

      "Well, museums, Art, and Nature are my thing."

          He laughed. "Well, I guess we're headed to the museum this weekend."

         "Wait, I_"

        "I won't take no for an answer."

         "But I didn't."

         "I'll pick you up at 9 a.m. Saturday."

          "Hey, I"

          "Good night."

          The phone call ended. I pulled the phone from my face and stared at it.

          "What the hell just happened?" I asked myself.

          I tossed my cell phone and threw myself back on the bed. I wanted to call him back and tell him no, but the longer I thought about it, the more I was convinced that going out for a day wouldn't be so bad.

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