Chapter 12: No More Words

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I am back my friends, and don't you worry, I'm starting to bring down the brigade seeing as it is now 2015!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, I feel old. I turned 17 at the beginning of February. I don't know how I feel about this development.  Any who, here is the next chapter of my story. I have started to feel creatively confined as this started out as a fanfiction and I have decided to diverge myself from my original path a bit, or a lot. I am going to start introducing a lot more twists and turns instead of just the her seeing death and writing a story about it stuff.  I hope you enjoy it. 


I wake up groggy, and with my face practically drool stuck to the desk in front of my computer. I look up at the lit up screen and smirk at the long paragraphs that flash on the screen. Apparently I fell asleep writing the story for the psychos that I work with... for? I don't know. Do I work for them or with them?

Ah whatever.

I get up and notice it's a little drafty in the room. I glance at the window and see that it's still dark out as well as my window is like wide open. Glancing at the clock I see it says 2 am. Of course. Why wouldn't it be two in the morning? I go to the window and look out, seeing a few faintly muddy paw prints from my cats both going in and out.  I sigh, of course its the cats What else would I be thinking? I'm becoming too paranoid.

Since I helped the brain sucking fairy a few days ago I haven't been able to stay my thoughts. I helped her and I can't seem to get over that fact. Which is killing me slowly. I have tried to get out my feelings through my writing but it hasn't seemed to fully work. However I have been glad from the reprieve of creepy murderers tromping me every-god-knows-where. With each passing day though, I get more scared and paranoid. I know they wont leave me alone for forever. Soon enough they will realize I'm done writing what has happened thus far and send more, maybe even back to back.

I groan. Stop thinking Jaden, okay? So far so good, just leave it at that or you will jinx yourself.

Of course I over think everything. Just making situations worse for myself. 

I pad my way to the kitchen to try and find myself something to both calm my nerves and well something to eat, I'm starving for some odd reason. I open the fridge and look in, seeing a carton of eggs and some milk and debate whether eating an omelet at two in the morning is weird or not. 

Of course, me the foodie eating an omelet at two in the morning is not weird at all and I start to pull the eggs, milk, cheese, tomatoes, onions and bacon out of the fridge. You cannot have omelets without a side of bacon. 

I grab two frying pans and start the bacon first in the one then plop the eggs into the other pan, slowly adding all the other ingredients. 

Once everything is fully cooked I turn off the stove and put all the food onto a nice large plate. I then put ketchup on top of my omlet and take a fork to it. Oh happy days, food at two in the morning. 

I gobble the bacon down first then I start on the omelet, however before I can get halfway through the nice omlet that I created I hear an extremely loud ruckus in my living room. I freak out of course and drop my plate and fork onto the floor in fright. I look down at the wonderfully delicious creation that now lay splattered on the floor and sigh sadly. Of course I dropped my omelet. 

After mourning the loss of my yummy food for a moment, I bend over to pick up my fork and plate and put them in the sink carefully. At least the plate didn't break, that would have been really bad. Then I grab paper towel and pick up the omelet. As soon as I stand up I hear another loud crashing sound coming from my living room and I finally decide that I really have to go check that out considering it probably is one of the evil people coming to take me away to watch their evil killing ritual. 

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