Chapter 20: New Divide

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Okay so... yeah, I want to start by thanking everyone who has been reading this story and will ever read this story, I work really hard on this and I am so glad that you guys are enjoying reading it. It makes me happy to know this stuff and don't be afraid to comment your opinions and stuff, except if it's nasty. I take constructive criticism and suggestions not mean insults. 

But yeah, I just wanted to thank you guys. You're helping make one of my biggest dreams come true. Even though I am super slow at updating. 

Sorry this update is short, like really short... I wanted to put it out for you all today so it's a little bit small on words. Sorry.


My friends were still waiting for me in my hotel room once I got back early the next morning. 

"Where the hell were you?" Tom asks me, grabbing my shoulders and giving me a little shake. "We were worried sick!" He cries in exasperation at me and I shake my head a little, trying to push Tom off of me. 

"I'm sorry guys. I didn't mean to worry you, I just... needed... I don't know. Some time... but I figured out a plan" I tell them brokenly, my sentence being split up awkwardly. They all look at me confused and I let out a long, exasperated sigh. "I have a safe place that you guys can all go, Nick and Evie too, just until this is all sorted out." I explain, trying to keep myself calm so that they don't get mad. They all stare at me as if I have grown another head though, of course. 

"What? What do you mean a safe place for us to go?" Clary asks me from the bed and I try to smile at her. 

"I have a friend, who knows about this stuff. He said he would be willing to take you guys in until this is all over." I tell them trying to not give too much away considering they probably wont go to just anyone. Especially not now. 

"What about you?" Tom asks me and I shake my head.

"I can't just disappear Tom, that isn't how this works. I have to complete my story and my contract with them before I am free. At that point then Mary should leave me alone, at least I hope that she will" I try to explain it to them. It's not like they'll understand the situation anyway, none of them have ever been asked to write a horror novel for creatures of the night. Of course none of my friends are writers, so they may have that going for them. 

"I'm not going anywhere without you!" Jake tells me with a conviction in his voice that I scarcely knew he possessed. 

"Yes, yes you are! You'll be safe without me and then there isn't anyone in the world that they can use against me. With you guys safe I'm safe, don't you get it?" I try desperately to make them see that what I'm saying makes sense, that this is something that should and needs to happen. 

"What about school? Our lives? What happens with them?" Tom asks and I sigh. 

"That I don't know, you'll have to take it up with Baxter once you get there. I'm sure he can work something out for you guys though. I just... I need you guys safe. I care too much about you and this world has already started to ruin me. At least this way it won't get to you too, not as much." I look at them each individually as I say this and I see their fear written clear as day on their faces. I hope this has convinced them because I don't have much left to convince them otherwise, one last big thing up my sleeve and then I'll move on to begging on my hands and knees if I have to. 

"Fine," Clary speaks up and I look at her startled for a moment. "I'll go, I don't know about the others, but I will go." She tells me before slipping off of the bed and walking over to me, enveloping me into a hug. Immediately I respond, wrapping my own arms around her, glad that she isn't scared of me even if she has every right to be. 

"Thank you" I whisper into her ear before releasing her from the hug and looking at her tear streaked face. I try a smile, even though it probably looks more like a grimace, and she tries one too. In this moment I can remember why she is my best friend. She would follow me to the ends of the earth, just like I would do that same for her. "I'll tell Baxter," I tell her louder, making sure Tom and Jake can hear it too. 

"I'll go too," Tom says and I hear a sigh heave itself from Jake as he figures he is in minority. 

"Fine," He mutters, he voice gruff and I can feel the prickle of tears in the back of my eyes as I stare at my friends. Even without the entire story, even without knowing Baxter, these people trust me with their lives. 

That is a scary thought for me. People are entrusting me with their very lives. I have to live up to that, I have to make sure to keep my promise to them. No one else will die because of me. Not now at least. 

"I'll go call Baxter." I tell them with a half a smile in their direction before hugging them all and stepping out into the hallway. I grip my phone before pressing speed dial #1, where Baxter insisted I put him unless I went to the compound. Using the excuse of 'For safety reasons' when I tried to argue him down. 

I hold the phone up to my ear, my hand trembling slightly as I bite my lip. I really hope this was the best decision I could make. I hope this was the right thing to do. 

Then he picks up a short 'Hello this is Baxter Morgan speaking, who might this be' rings in my ears. I almost put the phone down and hang up, but with a breath and a sudden bout of courage I speak up.

"It's Jaden, they've agreed."


My car slows considerably as I pull up in front of the mansion that houses the demons I am in contract with. They need to know the new developments, they need to know about Mary and her threats and the hunters and their offers of protection. As much as I don't want to rat out the hunters because they seem like good people I have to, or else I may find myself hanging by the throat, or with the Slendermans tentacles protruding from my body as I breathe my last. 

As I pull into park I notice the front window's curtain pull back slightly then ripple as whoever it was released it. I take a deep breath before I climb out, glancing at my bags in the back of my car. 

I came here after helping my friends pack and get into the limo that would be taking them to their temporary home. I decided I should ask for asylum in the house of my potential murderers. So I packed myself up and drove out here. And well, if they deny me the room then I guess I'll just have to go back to the hotel and eventually my apartment whenever I can do that again. 

The door of the house flies open as I turn towards it and at least a dozen pairs of eyes, well sort of eyes, stare back at me in confusion. 

"We need to talk..." I tell them quietly, knowing that they will be able to hear me anyway, before they shuffle me into the house. 

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