Chapter 2: Face to Face with a Killer

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Hey all, I love the positive reception I've had so far with this story and I thank you all for the votes, comments and follows. 

Also, If someone wants to make me a cover for this story, I would love that dearly, since, I can't do art to save my life...



I turn around and yelp as something comes into the beam of the flashlight, something, or should I say someone, who is less then two feet away from the very spot I stand.

The first thing I see is a gleaming knife, one that looks as if it hasn't been cleaned in years and has old crusted blood all over the handle. I then notice the worn sneakers that the guy is wearing, then the creased, wrinkled and dirty slacks. The white, yet not so white because of blood stains, sweater and the long greasy black hair. But what is most terrifying is his face. If I can even call him a he. 

His skin is pale white as if he had been spending WAY too much time indoors, his eyes dark as night and his apparent lack of some of his eye lids as he not only doesn't blink properly but he also has black burn rims around his eyes. But what is most shocking is the carved smile that is on his face. Crude cuts on the side of his mouth in what could be called a joker winning smile. Even the joker himself would be jealous of this boy. And I knew who this was. 

I, the girl who has never believed in ghost stories, myths or any of that halla baloo was standing in front of none other then a myth itself. A killer, a lunatic, a psychopath. 

I am standing in front of none other then Jeff the Killer.


My eyes widen as my whole world shifts, trying to take in this new revelation. Jeff the Killer. Is standing. RIGHT. IN. FRONT. OF. ME. 

"Oh My Gods!" I squeak as I practically fall over, and like any great horror movie heroin I drop the flashlight and my only source of light to the leafy ground. The light sputters and dies when it hits the ground and I am engulfed in the complete and utter darkness. 

My heart is racing in my chest, my breath coming out in shallow gasps like the puffing smoke that comes from a pipe. I can feel my hands shaking as I fall to my knees trying to find my flashlight. My mind is racing, trying to spin around and understand the strange thing that just happened. My whole world shifting to accommodate for my new revelation. 

"They aren't real" I tell myself lowly, shaking my head, trying to get the fear out of my body. "You are simply hallucinating." I add to myself in a mutter. 

"What are you hallucinating about?" A stone cold, crazy voice asks me, tearing the silent darkness apart. 

"Oh god, Oh god, Oh god." I repeat to myself, giving up on finding the flashlight as I back up in the crab walk while my whole body trembles. It was real. He is fucking here. IN FRONT OF ME!

My back slams into a tree trunk and my whole body jolts straight up, he's going to kill me and I have nowhere to go! All of a sudden I see the flash of my metallic flashlight in front of me. 

"You looking for this?" The voice asks and all I do is nod as my eyes widen to popping out of my head. The pale, white hand drops my flashlight right in front of me then retreats. I grab for it and click it to see if it even still works. Luckily it does and it pops on, flickering for a few moments before resting into a steady beam. Of course the beam rests on the very being that made me drop my flashlight in the first place. 

I gulp, and clear my throat. "You're here to k-ki-kill me?" I stutter over the word kill, my strong-ish facade not even forming as my voice sounds high and terrified in my own ears. 

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