Chapter 11: The Brain Sucking... Fairy?

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Hey guys we're going to start heading back into some action now instead of the long filler chapter thing.

Also I am pretty sure I stated previously that I wished to finish this book before sending out the 2014 year. However, now, after much deliberation, I have seen that this is not possible. Work and school picked up in the busy Christmas season and I had much trouble finding time to do much else. So I have now set my goal on the summer of 2015 being done with this story. I can then start on some new projects I have been slowly building on the side as well as start editing this so that it is much much more than this semi first draft.

I'm sorry if this disappoints any of you.

That is all. So enjoy this chapter :)




I hear from somewhere around my face. It's loud and annoying and I really just want to continue sleeping. However that noise is a clear indication for me to rise from my ever lovely slumber. I groan loudly to no one but myself and my kitties.

Stretching I sit up and look around my bedroom where I fell asleep face first on my computer while writing last night. I try to stretch out the kinks in my neck and back before standing up. I look at the clock and see that it is only early afternoon. I check my calendar and see if I work again tonight and luckily I do not see any hours for me tonight.  l smile a little, involuntarily of course, but really who likes work?

I finally stand up, working my stiff muscles and trying to shake off the last remnants of sleep from my brain and body. Coffee. That is what I need. A good old cup of steaming hot heaven.

I stumble my way to the kitchen, making my way to the coffee maker right away and setting it up to make me some wonderful cups of beauty. Yeah maybe I should stop talking about coffee like that or else someone might get the wrong ideas or something.

I go grab a hair elastic from my room and throw my hair up into a messy bun while I wait for the coffee to finish. Grabbing a bowl out of the cupboard I go hunting for the oatmeal I know that I have hidden somewhere. As I loot through my very own cupboards I start to wonder if I had just imagined the oatmeal before finally I see it way in the back of the shelf in my pantry. I reach for it and do not succeed. Apparently I'm too short. 

I look at the clock and see it's the afternoon already. Dammit, maybe I should eat something easier to grab than oatmeal. I grab the front of the shelf pasta and just dump it all into a pot. Might as well make myself leftovers for future days like today when I decide to be lazy and I don't really want to make myself anything too difficult.

I finish and pour the nice lovely white sauce powder on top of it, like Kraft dinner but cheaper really. And put it all into a Tupperware container so that I can eat what I want and put it in the fridge after without dirtying any other dishes. Of course I eat about half the Tupperware thing so yeah, this will do me din-brunch tomorrow. 

I close it up and put it in the fridge before I actually finish the container and then I go to my phone to send Clary a quick text message informing her of my newly livingness and then I go and lounge on the couch to watch some TV. What else would I do on my day off of course? I flip to Netflix and start or I guess restart where I left off in binge watching Merlin.

I don't know how long I have been sitting there, probably at least half a dozen episodes, but suddenly I hear something buzzing around my house, or at least somewhere in my house. I pause the TV and look around a tiny bit scared for my life to be completely honest.

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