Chapter 3: The Things of Nightmare's

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Hey my lovely fan girls and boys. 

This is the next update in this totally cool story. 

I'm soooooooo sorry about the REALLY REALLY long delay in writing... it should *crosses fingers hoping I'm not lying* pick up soon... 

And I know I said late on the 26th... but really early on the 27th works right?

Sorry guys!



"Is that you Jay?" I jump when a voice asks me and I turn quickly to see that it is just Tom peeking his head out of his bunk.

"Yeah, it's just me." I mutter to him, trying not to show my jumpiness in my voice as well as my posture. 

"Okay, good. I was worried." He says before laying back down and rolling over. 

I smile a little, my cheeks just pulling my mouth back in a closed mouth smile. 

Then I curl in on myself, pulling my knees to my chest and resting my head on top of them. If tonight was any indicator for what was to come next I knew I wouldn't be able to see my friends anytime soon. I pretty much sold myself to the devil. 

Let's see where this takes me...


Packing up is hard. Especially knowing that this might be the last time I see any of my friends for a very long time. But I know that I have to keep my distance, they are in danger every moment they spend with me. And this, this is something I cannot put them through, not if it will eventually cost them and myself our lives. 

"Hey, who's taking the trailer?" Nick asks, specifically looking towards Tom and I because we each drove ourselves here.

"Can't I used my coop." I immediately respond, trying to not grin too much because I hate driving with the trailer. 

"I brought my truck, I can take it." Tom says, looking at me with the stank eye. I stick my tongue out and then grab my duffle bag and take it to my car. 

Throwing the bag into the back I take my keys from my pocket and open the drivers door.

"I guess this is good bye, for now." I tell them, only me realizing that I may be saying good bye for a lot longer then a "For now" merits. 

"Yeup, See you next time my friend." Nick says, hugging me in a normal one armed hug. Clary and Jay both take turns hugging me, Clary whispering in my ear to keep in touch since I was the only one of our group that was at a different school. 

"I promise I will." I tell her, pulling away from the hug and wiping away a stray tear that had fallen down my cheek. Maybe my only promise that I could keep to my friends would be to keep in touch. Now that I had sold my life away to the monster of nightmares. 

"Do I get a hug now?" Tom asks and I laugh a little, stepping towards him and wrapping my arms around his waist. "Keep safe" Tom says after a short pause, breaking away from the hug. I nod and step back, getting into my car. 

"Goodbye guys!" I call, starting my car and pulling out towards the road. I take a few deep, calming breaths, trying to make myself not burst into tears. I don't want to cry, not now, not ever. I can't be weak. I need to be strong. Or I will crumble under what is going to happen next. I know I don't know what exactly is going to happen but I know it's not going to be pretty. It's going to hurt and I'm going to see things that no one has seen or ever wants to see. And I'm going to live. I'm going to have to re-enact those things in words across a page. 

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