Chapter 13: Fancy Dates and Limos

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Hey everyone! I'M BAAAAAAACK!

sorry guys, but this is mostly just a filler chapter, the next one I will be introducing you to like EVERYTHING... Trust me... This will be worth it...


It has been a few weeks since I got the letter. A couple more of the psycho killers had taken me out for some mad blood baths and stuff. The book was coming along nicely, well I guess you could say nicely. Considering the book is about murder, death and blood I'm not really sure you can call that nice, but it was being written and there is starting to be quite a few chapters seeing as there could be a few chapters per "mission".

Yeah, I am going to start calling these things I do with the psycho killer's missions. It might make me seem more sane. Or less sane, at this point I'm beginning to like the thoughts of those padded rooms in the asylums. Maybe I can get into one, just start wandering around the streets and talk about what I have seen. Yeah, that would put me in an asylum really fast.

The days have started getting warmer lately, promising a nice summer that is getting closer and closer into being.

My friends keep asking me what I want to do this summer, but how am I supposed to tell them to stay away because my summer is going to be filled with demonic entity's making me watch gruesome murders? Yeah, that's not really something that is easily brought into normal dinner conversation. At least I live alone and don't have to explain my absences to anyone. I can also chalk my radio silence to my friends as writing, because it's not a lie I have been writing a book. Just not one that comes solely from my imagination. I wonder if I could sneak a vacation into my contract of work with my employers.

Other than that though, everything seems to be going at least somewhat normally. After I got my window fixed no other strangers came into my house by breaking my window. I have been getting missions fairly regularly and I sort have been talking to my friends almost as regularly. I have almost forgotten the letter that I had received from the weird people that call themselves the huntsmen. However, that is not completely true seeing as I can't seem to get it out of my head. These enemies have enemies of their own? What's that supposed to mean to me?

I even got to go out to buy groceries today, oh lucky me. I walk back into my flat, careful not to break the eggs and other fragile stuff in the plastic grocery store bags. I kick the door shut as I get inside and then walk to my kitchen. I can lock the door later, besides it's not going to help me keep anything super dangerous out anyway. I put the bags on my counter and carefully start unpacking them, putting the needing to stay cold stuff in the fridge and the able to not need refrigeration stuff into the pantry. After finishing that I roll all the bags together, open the underneath of my sink and shove them into my bag holder. Hey, you never know when you might need some lovely grocery store plastic bags.

I turn around proud of myself and then march my way over to the living room and plop myself down onto my sofa. I relax slightly happy that at least for now, nothing has happened that hasn't at least become some sort of normal. I smile, maybe I have finally gotten into a reutien of sorts. As I put my feet up onto my coffee table however, I hear a crinkling noise, like paper being squished. I furrow my brow in confusion, I don't remember leaving any paper there. I lift my feet and see an envelope with my name on it. What the heck is that doing there?

I grab it while looking around the room, being extremely paranoid. I look back down at the slightly faded white envelope and question my life choices. Of course it is a little late for that considering here I sit with a letter that wasn't there before I left for the grocery store.

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