Chapter 14: Meeting Mary

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So this chapter is really long to make up for the long waits in between most of my previous chapters. Plus, you're getting a lot more information in this chapter, you also get to meet one of my favourite characters! I'm really excited to write about her. 

So you're going to get a lot more exciting chapters to come considering my main antagonist is now here and everything is setting itself up nicely.

I hope you enjoy. I know I did while writing it! 


I turn around to see dark hair and mustache leading in a tall, curly haired stranger. He has shaggy dark brown hair, and eyes as blue as blue can be. Like if you have ever watch the show called the listener, yeah the main characters eyes. 

He is wearing a very proper suite and tie. It is dark gray in colour and a midnight blue shirt and black tie complete the outfit. I'm not sure if we're more on a date or if he just came from a business meeting. 

"Thank you Manuel." The tall guy that I can only guess is The Mr Morgan from the Huntsmen, says to mustache guy. Well, maybe instead of labeling people I should ask for their names. Yeah, lets make that a plan from now on. 

The Manuel guy leaves after nodding his head to Mr Morgan and then I am left alone with the Huntsman leader. 

"Hello there, I'm Baxter Morgan, it's lovely to meet you." The guy says, offering me his hand to shake. 

"Hi Baxter Morgan, I'm Jaden Rayne, but I guess you already knew that." I say taking his offered hand and giving it a firm shake. I notice that his hands are way larger than mine, however they are also soft and warm. Thankfully our handshake only lasts about five seconds and I can pretend that I had not just admired the softness of his hand.

"I did in fact know that." He says with a smile as he goes around to the other side of the table and sits. "So you did in fact show up, I almost expected that Lyonal would have had to literally drag you out of your apartment." He muses out loud and I shake my head. 

"You obviously don't know me very well for stalking my every move and breaking into my flat." I tell him, a cold edge to my voice. I swear if Lyonal had come to drag me out of my own house, I would have sacked him then called the police. 

"Apparently I do not know you as well as I thought, as you also have not accepted my offer of protection or my warning of the danger you are in." He says and I shake my head. 

"There is no way in hell that you can protect me from this thing that I have been forced to join. Besides as of right now I am safe and under their protection because they need me." I tell him and he nods. 

"All this I have heard before my dear, but you do not seem to realize that these things themselves that you say will protect you, have not told you what  they must protect you from." He says and I look at him confused. "My dear Jaden, my dear sweet Jaden, they have not told you about their own enemies have they?" I shake my head. 

"Enemies? How can these things have enemies? Everything they touch dies, eventually most likely myself included in that." I state and he nods. 

"They do have enemies, some more powerful than themselves even. You have only been dabbling in this world so long Jaden, I have been on the inside since before I was born. There are many things out there, both weak and strong. You, Jaden, have yet to meet the strong ones." 

"I highly doubt that one. Yes these things probably aren't the strongest but to be weak?" I ask and he nods. 


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