chapter 12

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Corbyn's pov

I walk hand in hand with Daniel in the sunlight, arriving to the entrance of an amusement park we decided to come to. Soon I feel Daniel's hand leave mine as he runs to the shorter brunette to give him a hug.

"Hey guys" I say with a smile on my face after walking over to them. Jack comes closer to give me a bro hug, even though we don't know each other that well yet. I smile at Zach who's already chatting with Daniel, the new best friends excited to meet each other.

I texted Jack yesterday, after singing Daniel to sleep, about spending this day all together which made little Daniel very happy.

"Ready to go little ones?" Jack asks Daniel and Zach, pointing at all the rides the amusement park has. The youngers smile at each other excitedly before Daniel takes my hand and begins to walk beside me.
At the corner of my eye I notice Daniel looking at me which makes me turn my head to look at him.

"Hi baby. You look so beautiful today" I coo and tighten my grip on his small hand.
A baby pink t-shirt and white shorts look amazing on his body, making me unable to take my eyes off of him.
His pink lips grow to a smile and leaning his head on my shoulder we continue walking, Jack and Zach going a few steps ahead.

I'm not sure about Zach if he's in his headspace today, I need to talk with Jack. But Daniel definitely is. He is still 'conscious' to what's happening around but his overly cute little self is coming out as well.

"Can we go to that one?" Zach exclaims and turns around to look at us with a grin on his face. I look to where he's pointing and see it's a very fast going ride.
My boyfriend hasn't said anything so I lower my gaze to see him holding the hem of my jacket, nibbling on his bottom lip.

Leaning down I whisper in his ear. "Honey, we don't have to go to that one if you don't want to".
He looks up with slightly glistening eyes and I kiss his forehead pulling him closer to me. I smile at the people walking past cooing at us.

"Does he not come?" the youngest asks, pulling Jack towards the ride already. I shake my head and tell them we would wait on a nearby bench.
"Okay, see you guys soon" Jack smiles and walks farther with his boyfriend while I sit down with Daniel.

"We will wait here" I speak quietly, looping my arm around the younger sitting next to me.
"Sowwy Cowby. I'm no fun" he whispers and looks down, making me frown. I lift his chin and press a kiss onto his nose which always makes him giggle. Like now.
"Don't be sorry my love. It's okay, you're okay" I talk and turn to look at the ride our two friends went to.

"Look princess, Jack and Zach are propably up there" I point and Daniel looks up with a bright smile on his face again. We watch a carriage slowly move up to the top of the ride and indeed spotting our friends there, waving at us.


"Today was so much fun!" Zach says jumping around as we all walk down the streets towards our homes.
"Yes it was, what was y'alls favorite?" Jack talks, arm around Zach's waist.
I smile at my favorite moment of today, ruffling up Daniel's hair before answering.

"Ferris Wheel, it was my favorite. The sunset looked amazing from up there and also having you guys and my baby with me made it special."

"I liked the swing ride most" Daniel says giggling and looks up at me, which makes me press a kiss on his lips. I'm so happy he is happy. Today was great.

"What about you Jack?" I ask and notice Zach frowning, propably because we left him as the last one to tell his favorite.
"I wanna answer now!" the youngest cuts us off with his arms crossed on his chest which makes us others chuckle.
"Go on Zachy" Daniel says and makes Zach's face soften.

"The haunted mansion was my favorite! It was so exciting" he talks and basically jumps up and down.
"It was scawy, Zachy" my boyfriend's voice joins in and I coo at him for about the 100th time today.

"You're so cute, you know that right" I whisper and peck his cheek before he shakes his head.
"I'm not cute" he pouts and soon giggles as I lift him up on my arms. His face gets showered with kisses while he lets out chuckles and tries to turn his face from me. "Stop Cowby! It tickles!"

"Not until you admit you are cute, babyboy."
"Okay I am" he smiles blushing and kisses my nose. I feel my heart melt.
"Love birds!" Zach shouts, laughing with Jack.
But my eyes are on Daniel only, looking into his ocean blue eyes before leaning in to whisper in his ear.

"I love you Dani."
"I love you too my pwince."

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