Chapter 45

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        Finally. We make it to the stadium Ivy free. The Normals are standing around in a blob in the middle of the field, obviously unsure of what to do. I motion for those behind me to stay back before stepping forward myself. I feel a hand around my wrist, Parker. Damn, fine! I shrug, and the two of us walk as confident as we can towards the group.

        One of the guys at the edge of the group spots us, nudging his friend. Suddenly whispers ripple through the crowd, they start to move. Some back away aimlessly, bumping into those around them. Others, however, start to move forward, advancing towards me.

        A guy makes it to me first, raising a fist as high as his eyebrows (which are very high, by the way). He swings, but I catch his fist, holding it in front of my face. It's taking every inch of willpower in me not to crush his hand right now, just to teach him a lesson.

        But no. That's not what I'm here for.

        I feel Parker's hand on my shoulder, a sign of support. I tilt my head away from it before speaking, "May I speak to Theo?" I make sure to ask as calm as I can, but with his fist still in my death grip, I may come off as a bit intimedating.

        He nodds violently, pulling his hand back. I watch him back away from me, stumbling as he turns back to his peers. I glare at the other Normals who had starting moving towards me. Yeah, they aren't going to try that again.

        I don't have to wait long before Theo breaks out from the group, stalking towards me. I don't move any closer than I already am, afraid of scaring the Normals. But he does eventually make it to me, looking around for support.

        "Hey, Tine." He feigns casualty, running a hand through his long hair. "What's up?"

        I give a sarcastic smile, crossing my arms. "Oh, you know. The usual. Being corraled. Set on fire. Having a psycho and her angry mob chase after us." I nod to the group behind him, as if he isn't already sure which angry mob I'm referring to. He does, shifting from foot to foot, refusing to make eye contact with me.

        "Yeah, sorry about that. It's really not in my control..."

        "I know, it must suck having to take orders from Ivy."

        "We don't... we don't take orders from her?" It comes out as a question. I raise my eyebrows, asking him to continue. He doesn't.

        "Well, either way, you must know that Ivy isn't the most rational person at this school." He shrugs at this, crossing his own arms. "And now you know about powers. Why the school is seperated."

        He shrugs again, finally making eye contact with me. "It's just not fair."

        I shrug back, ignoring how many times our shoulders have been lifted in this one conversation. "I know. But you have to know that we aren't the bad guys here." He scoffs at this. "Hey, if it wasn't for me, these riots would have happened a long time ago!"

        He looks confused, his thick eyebrows knitting into one. "Remember Elise? Quiet, innocent little Honors girl? The one who got murdered? All the Honors were dead set on it being one of your friends back there." I nod back towards the mob again, which seems to be growing restless as our conversation grows on. "But, it seems that they were right. I mean, we all thought Ivy was a Normal back then."

        "She- she's not?" What little confidence he has left is wavering.

        "No! Theo!" I take a deep breath, I can't get angry right now. "She has the power to absorb other people's power through a kiss."

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