Chapter 20

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     Christmas day! I know I'm getting older, but there's nothing more exciting than seeing presents labeled for you under the tree. Mom always makes us eat breakfast first before opening up presents, so the 5 of us sit at the kitchen table eating tree shaped pancakes and eyeing the presents excitedly. Parker squeezes my hand under the table, and I stop myself from squeezing back, not wanting any emergency room visits on Christmas.

    "Done!" Jerome yells as he throws down his fork. He's out of his chair and in the living room before we can start to laugh.

    "Hold on, hold on, not all of us are speed eaters like you." Georgia wipes her mouth with her napkin before joining him. Parker and I stuff the rest of the pancakes into our mouths, hurrying as fast as we can.

    "Jerome, what present do you want to open first?" Mom asks, sitting beside her wife. Jerome dives into the pile, sorting through which ones are for him and which ones are not.

    "Look! Santa brought some presents for you, Tine, and Parker!" Georgia exclaims, pointing at a section of different wrapped gifts.

    "Mom. I'm ten years old, we can stop pretending that Santa's real."

    "What?!" Parker gasps, putting a hand over his heart, "Santa's not real?!"

    "Good job, Jerome, you just ruined the magic for Parker." I shake my head at my little brother, accepting the gift he hands me.

    "Christmas will never be the same again." Parker agrees, giving the biggest, most theatrical sigh I've ever heard.


    Jerome got a massive pile of toys, movies, games, and clothes from relatives near and far. Mom got gift cards galore, a mug from Jerome, a diamond bracelet from Georgia, a bottle of perfume from Parker (I helped pick), and a dress from the store we got our Winter Formal dresses at given by me. Georgia got even more gift cards, a matching mug from Jerome, a set of sweaters from Mom, a cook book from Parker (she commented to him on the first night that she was sick of making the same dishes over and over), and a nice leather jacket from me.

    My gifts included clothes from my grandma that aren't my size, an infinity scarf from Jerome, a charm bracelet from Georgia, and new pair of winter boots from Mom (with more gas money hidden in the right one). Parker slid his present out from the back of the tree, looking as excited as a puppy as he hands it to me. It's a thin box, obviously holding jewelry. I tear it open quickly, finding inside a silver necklace. The pendant is gold, a lightning bolt.

    "Is this for...?" I turn it to him.

    "Yep! Adrian helped me pick it out." He beams, helping me clip it on.

    "Oh, a lightning bolt! That's cute." Mom remarks, a little confused. Good.

    "It's because we're always joking about my electrifying personality." Parker explains to my moms.

    "That's adorable, jewelry with an inside joke." Georgia smiles.

    "I love it." I tell him, touching the pendant lightly.

    "Good. I would be really sad if you didn't." Parker gives his half smile, and I almost melt here on the spot.

     Parker was surprised to find presents marked for him under the tree. Jerome got a movie for him, Mom got him a warm jacket with the softest fur lining in it, and Georgia got him a gift certificate for the auto repair garage that her brother runs, so he can get his car fixed for free. From me, he got a basket of all of his favorite things. Green Sharpies (his favorite color), Twix candy bars (his favorite candy), Dr. Pepper (his favorite drink), a Tim Burton box set (his favorite movies), a Beyonce CD (he has a very strong love for her music), a Spider Man comic book (his favorite superhero), and vanilla hand soap (his favorite scent).

    "Tine..." He takes a deep breath, taking it all in, "This is so thoughtful."

    "I just couldn't find one thing that perfectly fit you. So I pieced together all of the little things."

    "I love it." He hugs me tight, and I let myself hug him back. "I love all of this. Thank you so much, Mrs. and Mrs. Hark."

    "Of course, Parker. Our home is open to you." Georgia tells him.

    "Yeah, you don't have to worry about it." Mom adds on.

    Parker holds the basket in his lap and smiles at all of us. I link my arm through his and lean my head against his shoulder. "Merry Christmas." I sigh.

    "Merry Christmas!" Jerome says through the candy cane in his mouth.

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