Chapter 13

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               I flowed through the same pattern for a few weeks. Coach King got a stern talking to, and now we all practice on dummies. I slowly watched my bruises fade and my arm stronger until I was finally able to take off the cast.

            Quinn started to sit with us at lunch, plotting with Delilah on how to get Rolland, the Native American Pansexual boy with elastic limbs, to go to Winter Formal with him. "Winter Formal?" I finally ask.

            "Oh, you'll love it, Tine." Ash smiles, turning to me, "It's our big dance before winter break, obviously."

            "It's fantastic!" Delilah sighs, laying a hand on Adrian's shoulder, "We only get three dances, Homecoming, Prom, and Winter Formal. And the best part about Winter Formal..." She leans in, "It's Honors kids only."

            "The normal kids must not be happy about that, right?" I eye the group across the Dining Hall, which seems to have added some members.

            "Nope. They're already gone by then." Quinn sighs, staring over at the popular kid's table that seats both Parker and Rolland, "They get an extra week off so we can fully practice for mid-terms."

            Ash snorts, "They think they're getting the better end of the deal."

            "I don't think so. Coming from that side, it's obvious we get treated better." I shake my head.

            "As we should." Delilah laughs softly.

            "Why? We didn't choose to be this way."

            "Tine, let's look at this bigger than just school." Ash motions around her, "After we graduate, the normal's are going to go off into the real world and live average lives. We on the other hand are going to be in constant fear of being discovered, being exposed. So why shouldn't we get some small time over them?"

            "I also still don't understand why we don't just go all superhero in the real world." I sigh, "We could do so much good!"

            "Oh, new girl." Quinn breaks his attention from Rolland, "You've got a lot to learn."

            "Thank God she has us." Delilah smiles at me. I give a small smile back, annoyed that they aren't answering my questions. The bell chimes, and all the students in the Dining Hall get up and start to move to their next class.

            "See you in Life Training." I say to my friends as we break away to our separate classes.


            "Bonjour, Tine." Parker smiles as he meets me after class.

            "Hola, Parker." I return as we fall in step, "How was Spanish?"

            "Same as always." Parker hates his Spanish class. Gina, a girl with the power to speak every language, is in it, and always tries to correct him.

            "She probably just likes you and wants to impress you with her skill."

            "It isn't a skill, it's a power. There's a difference. You don't see me taking an electrician class and telling everyone what to do."

            "Good point. But hey, if Whitmore had a power lifting team..." I shrug.

            "I'd come to every meet." Parker smiles down at me as we make our way across Commons, "Mostly to see the other team's crushed faces of defeat."

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