Chapter 4

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              That afternoon, Reyna and I shut the door behind us in our dorm. I open my mouth to speak, but before I can say anything Reyna shushes me.

            “We need to check the room for bugs” She whispers, “While it’s still bare.” I nod, and start to check the closet. I hear Reyna behind me, lifting the mattresses and opening the drawers on the desk. I run my hand along the window sill, waiting for my finger to hit a hidden bump. None came.

        “Nothing.” I whisper, turning back to Reyna, “You?” she shakes her head, still looking paranoid. I grab a pair of jeans and a cute shirt from a bag on my bed, “Well, I’m still gross from gym, and in case someone is watching us from the hall or the bathroom, it will look suspicious if we don’t go get showers.” Reyna nods, so we both grab our shower supplies and walk down the hall.

            A half hour later I sit on my freshly made bed towel drying my hair. Reyna kneels in front of her closet, hanging up an array of cute outfits. “So this guy in Physics, Theo, thinks something’s up with the Honor’s class.”

            “I don’t doubt it.” Reyna doesn’t turn to look at me, “After that thing at lunch, Honors teachers were all over the place, and the Honors student’s seemed like the only ones that weren’t suspicious.”

            “Theo said they randomly take students into their classes, it’s not based off grades or behavior.”

            “Well there has to be some pattern!” Reyna stands and moves to her bed, where she lies down on her stomach, shoving her face into the pillow. I can hear her voice mumble through the fabric, “Was Shorty in your culinary class?”

            “No… they must have moved her up. But how did that cause the time gap?”

            “I don’t know Tine, I think we should talk to people who’ve been here longer.”

            “Good idea, get more insight. I’ll talk to Theo again tomorrow.”


            The next morning Reyna and I part ways after breakfast. She looks exhausted for a girl who got a full 8 hours of sleep (they’re serious about lights out here). I walk into Physics early, hoping to talk to Theo before it starts. Thankfully he walks in soon after me.

            “Hey” I greet him quietly to keep the other students from overhearing, “I need your help.” Theo’s eyes light up with interest, “My roommate and I are suspicious about the Honors classes, I was hoping you could help us out?”

            “I told you everything I know.” He scratches his head, “But I’ll do anything to learn more.” I nod, giving him a small smile.

            “What if we talk to someone in the classes?” I suggest.

            “No, we can’t. The Honors kids stick together like a pack of wolves, there’s no way you can talk to one of them alone.”

            “I know just the person.” I scribble down a meeting place and slide it over to him as Mr. Foster moves to the front of the room.


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