Chapter 15

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                  It's taking forever to get out of the parking lot. Delilah sits in the driver seat of her Land Rover as Ash searches for restaurants on her phone. The normal students are all racing to get home for winter break, driving recklessly. Almost as if they were hormonal, inexperienced teenagers in command of a death machine. Wait...

            "Shit!" I exclaim, pulling my phone out of my pocket, "I told Parker I would sit with him at dinner."

            "Shame." Ash mutters, as we're cut-off by yet another driver.

            "Just text him rescheduling." Delilah suggests. I nod, scrolling through my contacts. Parker's name isn't showing up...

            "I don't have his number..." I groan, falling over in the backseat. "Do you guys?"

            "Nope." Ash mutters again, flicking one of her fingers. The car not letting us in swerves to a stop, leaving us enough room to merge. Ash gives them a friendly wave as we pull in front of them.

            "Ash!" Delilah playfully shoves her best friend, "Why didn't you do that sooner?"

            "I'm sure it'll be fine." I sigh, staring at the roof of the car. "He'll understand, right?"

            "Calm down, it's not that big of a deal." Ash states as I hear someone's breaks squeal and feel the car accelerate.

            "You're right." I sit up again, "It's okay."

            I didn't feel okay. I couldn't focus the entire night we were out. Not even when I spun around in a beautiful dress in my budget. I couldn't stop imagining Parker sitting alone at dinner, looking around for me. I could barely eat knowing that Parker thinks I ditched him. Right after we held hands for the first time... He must think I'm running away.

            I need to talk to him. Tonight. Ash is hanging our dresses in the closet, her striking red one next to mine. I sit up, looking over at Delilah, who sits on our couch smiling at her phone.

            "Could you ask Adrian to meet me in the lobby?" I ask her, pulling on my boots. "I need to ask him about some homework."

            "What makes you think I'm talking to Adrian?" Delilah looks shocked. I stare at her blankly until she replies, "Yeah, okay, he'll be down in a minute."

            I speed walk to the elevator and pace nervously as it slides me down to the ground floor. I look around when the doors slide open, then remember that it's pointless.

            "Adrian?" I whisper into the empty room.

            "You rang?" He appears in front of me, almost scaring me to death.

            "God, Adrian, I'm going to tie a bell around your ankle!"

            "Parker tried that once. He ties surprisingly good knots."

            "Speaking of, could you get me up to his room?"

            "Why would I do that? I don't want you getting pregnant. Just imagine what powers that baby would have..." His gaze drifts down to my stomach.

            "No, no, no." I shake my head, "Not for that. I accidentally ditched him tonight and I want to explain why."

            "And then get pregnant."

            "No! Adrian! Stop imagining that!" I bend over to make eye contact with him, "Can you turn me invisible?"

            "Maybe. But not for long."

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