Chapter 5

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             “Hey Kiddo!” Georgia answers when I call home the next afternoon, “How are you?”

            “I’m good,” I look around Commons from the bench I’m sitting on. Students mill around, laughing and talking, enjoying the cool autumn breeze. It's after school, so seeing everyone in normal clothes is strange. “It’s really different here.”

            “I bet,” She laughs, “Are you visiting this weekend?”

            “Definitely.” I tilt my head back until all I can see are the clouds, “Can Talia stay the night? I haven’t talked to her since I came here.”

             “It’s only been three days, dear,” Georgia points out. I stop, and realize what a short time it’s been. It feels as though I’ve lived here for three years instead of three days.

            “Huh…” I take a deep breath, “How’s Mom?”

            “You know her, she’s been fussing over you ever since you pulled out of the drive way.” We both chuckle. I see Ivy saunter into Commons, looking around. I wave when her eyes pass over me. She doesn't wave back, but crosses her arms over her stomach.

            “I’ve got to go, but I’ll call you again tomorrow?” I stand, gathering my stuff.

            “Sure thing, Tine.” Georgia hangs up as I start walking over to the other girl.

            “Hey,” I greet Ivy as I slide my phone into my back pocket, “What’s up?”

            “Calum wouldn’t sleep with me.” She looks genuinely confused, a blush filling her pale cheeks.

            “What? Why not?” The two of us start to walk towards the Dining Hall.

            “I know, right?” Ivy gives a breathy laugh, still blushing, “But he said that he doesn’t want to be with a “Normal” that’s not in Honors.” She puts air quotes around loser and rolls her eyes.

            “God, he’s so pretentious.” I shove my hands in my pockets, wondering what our next move will be.

            “His loss.” Ivy sighs.

            “Um, no, our loss!” I turn to her, “He was our only lead!”

            “Well I’m sorry that I wasn’t good enough?” Ivy looks offended.

            I sigh, and look away, “I’m sorry, it’s not your fault.”

            “Whatever.” Ivy enters the Dining Hall, leaving me behind. I take a deep breath and follow (not because I want to continue the conversation, but because I need to eat). Reyna sits at our table with Theo, waiting for me.

            “Bad news.” I sigh when I reach them. I tell them about my conversation with Ivy as we stand in line for dinner. Tonight they are serving chicken fried steak, one of my favorites. I thank the lady behind the counter when she hands me my plate and turn to walk back to the table.

            “Hey, freak.” Calum appears out of nowhere and hits my plate, flinging the hot food onto my chest. The food burns me instantly, and I gasp from the burst of pain.

            “What’s your problem?!” I put my hands on his chest and shove him back. He stumbles, and falls back on the wall behind him, his eyes going wide. He probably didn't expect me to react like that.

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