Chapter 7

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    Hey, if body image is a trigger for you, after the ~~~~~ you can skip to the end and I'll leave a short summary of what happened.

         I am wheel chaired back to the infirmary (thank God, there was no way I can walk back). Reyna was still in there when I roll through the door. She gives me a supportive smile, and I try to give one back.

            “They can’t know.” Headmaster had said after she told me I am now an Honors student, “They will demand answers we can’t give.”

            “Why can’t we?” I had asked.

            “Our powers could wind up with us in labs being tested on. We don’t share the secret for fear of our own safety. But they have nothing to fear if it gets out.” Her words run through my head as I climb back into the uncomfortable bed.

            “Hey.” Reyna pokes her head past the curtain.

            “Hey.” I say quietly, though the only other person in the infirmary is the nurse. My roommate- or I guess old roommate- hops in on crutches, her left ankle in a boot.

            “Thanks for saving my life.” She lowers herself into the chair next to me, “Even though I can’t remember it. Headmaster said I blacked out from breaking my ankle.” She lifts the boot for emphasis, “But Theo said there was another weird time jump. Do you remember what happened?”

            I take a deep breath, “No.” I start to shake my head, but get too dizzy.

            “Man… What did Headmaster have to say?” She asks, leaning back in the chair.

            “Um…” I don’t know how to tell her. We aren’t going to be roommates anymore, or share classes. Will I be allowed to sit with her at meals? Even though we had only known each other for a week, I feel closer to her than any of my friends back home, even Talia. Reyna and I have been investigating a conspiracy together, and now I have the answers. But I can’t tell her… “I’m being moved to Honors class.” Well, she was going to find out eventually, better now and from me.

            “What?” She looks shocked, but excited, “So what’s the secret? What’s the magic way of getting in?”

            Oh my God, how do I respond to that? If I tell her I can’t tell her, she’ll get defensive and upset. If I lie to her, I’ll be breaking the strongest friendship I’ve ever had. And what can I say to convince her to stop snooping? I can’t tell her the truth. My breathing gets harder, it's tough to breathe.

            “It’s random.” I try to shrug, but can’t with my dislocated shoulder, “There’s no trick.” Reyna looks offended.

            “That doesn’t sound right…” She narrows her eyes at me.

            “I would shrug right now but I have a dislocated shoulder from being hit by a car.” I try to change the subject, “What happened to the driver?”

            “He got suspended.” She doesn’t lose any of her suspicion, “But he’s still on campus.”

            “What? He didn’t get arrested?” I scoff.

            “No. Because he’s in the precious Honors class,” Reyna says bitterly, grabbing her crutches and standing up awkwardly and angrily at the same time.

            “Reyna, wait don’t go.” I panic as she starts to hop out, “I didn’t want this to happen!” She doesn’t stop, nor does she look back.

            “I got hit by a car for you!” She hops faster, “TWICE!” The curtain swings closed behind her and I am left completely and utterly alone.


            The nurse comes in a few hours later to give me medicine. I take it, even though I am not in pain. Is this a part of the powers? I feel anything but strong now. I feel like a broken toy, left in the garbage.

            That night she lets me hobble to the bathroom by myself. She wouldn’t let me look in the mirror before, so this is the first time I’ve seen myself since the accident.

            My lip is busted and swollen, which explains why it’s hard to talk. The rest of that side of my face is completely raw, so are the arm and my side, which is still bandaged. Most of the skin is gone on my side, but there are only patches missing from my arm and face. I pray to God that that won’t scar. But there's more. There’s a deep gash from my right eyebrow down to my earlobe. It’s stitched shut, but even now I know that’ll leave a scar.

            I start to sob, staring at how damaged I am. What boy will love me with a disfigured face? Who would want to kiss my cheek and tell me that I’m beautiful? I’m not. I’m not beautiful. I’ll have these marks on my skin for the rest of my life, thanks to a boy who is afraid of getting hurt. Well who’s hurting now? I’m a freak. I’m a freak with an ugly face and too much strength.

            I slide down to the floor, ignoring the ache from my side. I feel the cold, hard tile beneath my disgusting face and I sob into it. I’ll have this hate crime with me forever. Always a reminder of how far someone will go to save themselves.

            I don’t know how long I lie there until I hear the door open behind me. The nurse rushes to my side, afraid to find me unconscious or dead. Once she sees the hot tears down my face, her eyes tear up. She has pity for me, the ugly freak with no friends.

            She pulls me up, but I make no attempt to stand. I’m taller than her, so it is a struggle for her to walk me back to the bed. She lays me down gently, and then brings me my dinner. Hot soup and pudding. I don’t eat it. She tries to spoon some into my mouth, but I turn away from her.

            “Don’t pity me.” I drone, “I’m a monster.” She is silent. She stays there for a while, but then leaves the room, leaving me alone where I belong.

        A/N I put spaces in case people skipped down so they don't have to accidentally see it. But Tine was looking at her injuries in the mirror and is upset, finding a scar on her right cheek from her eye to the bottom of her ear. You're happiness is more important than my story, so send me a message if there's any triggers you guys want me to warn, and I will surely do so. See you next Friday night to meet Tine's new roommate. 

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