Chapter 10

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            Delilah, Adrian, Ash (who returned later to hear the epic reenactment of my confrontation with Calum) and I spent the rest of the day in the forest surrounding the campus, testing our abilities.

            Ash and I walk into our room that night to find a piece of paper taped to the door. It’s my school schedule for my new Honors classes. Most of it is the same, but with different teachers and classrooms, and the word Honors in front of them. Except my electives are different…

            “We have a different kind of gym.” Ash explains when I ask her, “We work on, you know. It’s really intense, but you should be favored by Coach Kings, he loves physical abilities.”

            “Oh, good.” I sigh, sitting on the edge of my bed, “And what about this one?” I point to a different one.

            “Ugh, I hate that class.” Ash sits next to me, “That one’s all about hiding our powers to the rest of the world. It’s weird, they give us one class to teach us how to use our powers, and another on how to hide them."

            “I still don’t understand why we don’t use them for good.”

            “Mostly to keep us from being turned into lab rats.” Ash reaches out and tries to get her water bottle to slide over to her to no avail, “That I’m thankful for.”

            She walks over to her water bottle and picks it up, taking a big drink from it. I still think about our potential as we quietly get ready for bed.

            The next day, Adrian and I walk into the Dining Hall after our History class together. School is back in full swing after the weekend, and every table seems to be full. I try not to look over at my old table across the room, where Reyna, Theo, and Ivy are watching intently.

            I make light conversation with my new group of friends, Delilah helping me dress my hamburger and refilling my drink. I feel the eyes of multiple classmates burning into the back of my skull, and I try to ignore them as I thank Delilah for her help.

            After my tray is empty, I stand to throw it away. Delilah stands too, instantly offering her help, but I turn her down. I’ve had enough help today. The only trash can is by my old table, so I’m forced to walk into the group of average students, which includes Reyna.

            I try my hardest not to pay attention to them, but Ivy stands up, blocking me from the trash can. “So what’s the secret, huh?” She smacks her gum in my face. “Why’d you get moved up instead of us?”

            I clear my throat and look at Reyna and Theo, who make no attempt to stop her. “I already told Reyna.” I face Ivy again, “It’s about acts of bravery.”

            “Like being hit by a car? I don’t think that’s very brave.” Ivy crosses her arms.

            “I don’t need to explain myself to you.” I sigh, and try to move past her. She reaches out and shoves me, but with my additional strength, I don’t move an inch.

            “I’m sorry, do we have a problem here?” Ash asks sweetly as she steps up to my side.

            “Duh,” Ivy rolls her eyes, “I kind of just shoved her.”

            “And who are you?” My old roommate stands, facing my new one.

            “I’m Ash. I’m here to help my friend, who, if I’m not mistaken, jumped in front of a car for you?” Ash motions towards Reyna’s crutches.

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