Chapter 3

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        Reyna and I move into the auditorium on the other side of the large campus. Inside, Headmaster Terra stands on the stage, her hands folded behind her. About 30 other students sit in the audience, awkwardly looking around them. We take a seat towards the back. Soon afterwards, Headmaster picks up a microphone and speaks into it.

            “Hello new students, we are very happy to have you here today and for the rest of this school year.” She flashes a motherly smile before continuing, “This is a very elite school, and you should all be proud of your accomplishes thus far.” She motions to the woman who worked the front desk, who begins to hand out papers. “Ms. Dawn is now giving you your class schedules. All of you will be starting in the normal classes, and may advance to the Honors class if we decide you are fit.

            “You will stay in uniform for all classes and school wide activities, which include clubs and performances. To sign up for these extra activities, there will be a sign up sheet in the Commons. That is in the center of the classes. There is a mandatory study time after dinner until 7, and lights out is at 11.”

            Reyna leans over and whispers in my ear, mocking her accent, “You must follow my schedule and you must go above and beyond so I can deem you worthy of taking classes with Calum.” I glance at her, but try to stay focused on what Headmaster was saying.

            The lady from the front desk, Ms. Dawn, passes me my schedule:

           Clementine Hark, Grade 11, Non-Honor

            1st hour- Physics, Mr. Foster                     

            2nd hour- English 3, Mrs. Shane

            3rd hour- United States History, Mr. Dwayne


            4th hour- French 3, Madame LaPointe

            5th hour- Pre-Calculus, Mrs. Thames

            6th hour- Culinary Arts, Mr. Harold

            7th hour- Physical Education, Coach Fredrick

            “Let me see” Reyna plucks my schedule from my hand to compare it with hers. We have English, History, and Gym together. I smile at her as she hands me the paper back and we turn our attention back to Headmaster.

            “Now, time to move to 1st hour” Headmaster smiles at us. The group shuffles out of the auditorium and into the bright sunlight. We exit out of a different door that we entered, bringing us into a cluster of buildings.

            The buildings form a circle around what I assume is Commons. There are five buildings in the circle, each marked with the subject it holds: English, Math, History, Science, and Electives. I find the Science building across the way and head towards it, noticing the intricate brick work all of the buildings share. Inside, There is a long hallway with classrooms on either side. Normal Physics is one of the first ones, and I quietly enter to not disturb the class.

            Mr. Foster stands at the other end of the room, writing equations on an old fashion black board. He turns at the noise of the opening door and motions me to him. He is a tall, straggly man with messy brown hair being pushed back by his glasses. He smiles at me, wiping the chalk from his hands onto his black pants, smearing them. I shake his hand when he holds it out for me, and try not to wipe my now chalky hand on my own skirt.

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